I can’t remember who said this, but somebody said the version of the Turing Test as we all remember it is ridiculous: It’s basically saying that the test of intelligence is “Can a chatbot fool one idiot?”
I can’t remember who said this, but somebody said the version of the Turing Test as we all remember it is ridiculous: It’s basically saying that the test of intelligence is “Can a chatbot fool one idiot?”
We did curation of existing knowledge for years, in the form of textbooks and reference works. This is just people thinking they can get the same benefits without the expense, and it’ll come crashing down soon enough when people see that you need to handle concepts, not just surface words with a superficial autocomplete
Thank you - that’s a really useful answer. I’ll check them out
Thank you - I’ll have a look at that
Any vaguely recent car is constantly reporting its location back to its manufacturer.
I’d be very intrigued in a system that lets me leave my phone in my (waterproof) pocket and access audio and navigation on Bluetooth. Let’s get this on bikes asap
One of my big worries with the way people are using LLMs is that they’re being trained to trust whatever they spit out. Hey Google, what’s the nutritional content of peanuts? And people are learning not to ask where the information came from or to check sources.
One of the many reasons this worries me is that very soon these businesses are going to need to recoup the billions they’re spending, and I wonder how long until these systems start feeding paid promotions to a population that’s been trained to accept whatever they’re told. imagine what some businesses, or governments, would pay to have exactly their choice of words produced on demand in response to knowledge queries.
Interestingly, my family subscription more or less halved a few months ago, which I was NOT expecting, but which was very welcome
It would have a massive effect. Transport (car) emissions are one of the larger - and growing - sources of emissions.
And we can’t hide behind “But the corporations…” because ultimately what they produce gets used by us.
So to answer your question: riding a bike when Global Capital wants you to keep buying cars and pumping oil into them is one of the best acts of defiance you can make
Important to know that real-world testing shows that PHEVs are rarely plugged in and just burn oil much of the time
Windows 11 has better window shadows than Windows 10. That is literally the only improvement I’ve found
It’s incredibly selective about which topics it’s good for. Want insight into advanced mathematics or new programming languages and people there have amazing insight. But they bring the same level of confidence to the discussion when talking about topics they’ve no idea about.
Have a look at marginalia.nu - it’s like a return to the old days
Ironically this article reads like GPT output
Let’s leave aside the fact that everything produced today by so-called AI is absolute dogshit. Let’s pretend it produces things that it’s asked to produce. Even in this version, where’s the pleasure in watching a story you’ve just created with prompts? The point of story is to be taken on a ride by somebody else - ideally someone you trust to give you a satisfying ride and not waste your time.
I mean, just look at the way Microsoft are trying to ram “AI” into every interaction with every app right now. As the big players make it more and more non-optional, people are going to have to work really hard not to put anything into, say, Word that they don’t want sent back for analysis
Why would billions of us stop our excess pollution when we can just kid ourselves a handful of billionaires are doing it all? /s
Nobody can audit the code for all their apps. Even within an ideal world where the code is all open, people don’t have the skills or the time. Sensor permissions are supposed to be a system so that people can have a strong level of confidence in apps without needing those skills and time, and so not having the ability to control this sensor is a problem - but an OS problem
Psions were amazing. I had a Psion 3 in the 90s. That thing fell out of my pocket when I was cycling and a van drove over it - still worked fine. I’d like to see an iPhone manage that