Why is it shitty? I am not trying to deny it, just really curious what it is about
Why is it shitty? I am not trying to deny it, just really curious what it is about
Is that true though? I use always on VPN (one of the 3 mentioned) and never had issues. I have more problems with Firefox/Fennec and adblocking add ons. I am in Europe so is this more a US issue? I get blocked sometimes because of GDPR
I like my free healthcare, ambulances, fire fighters, roads, drivers requiring licences, drivers requiring insurance, police, trains, buses, general security, employee regulation, safety regulation, building codes, industry regulation, help overseas from consulates, so would prefer to pay a bit in taxes to get a lot back. It might not all be “perfect” but the idea of aiming for a happy and equal society is good.
Very investing! I think I would pay specifically to have SSO open ID implemented on different software where the developers have said it’s not a focus so definitely interested! Will check it out
To be honest, there are so many articles about Chrome over the last several months, I don’t get why anybody is staying with them if they care about things like this. Am I being naive or unaware?
We have much tougher GDPR laws so I am more worried about American companies stealing my data than any based in the EU. I use different passmails for every account hoping to find a company breaching GDPR but (luckily?) unluckily, no hits so far.
Every company I have worked for, including a major bank, takes GDPR extremely seriously. So much so I often thought they went to far but understand their caution.
In the EU and UK, heavy regulation, especially of Visa and MasterCard, means the fees are actually lower than the costs of handling cash. Lots of businesses want only card transactions because it works out better for them and most people don’t carry any cash so that need to offer card payments, and so it makes even less sense to offer both methods. The only industries who like cash are likely trying some form of tax evasion.
Cleverly, they banned businesses from charging any payment fees and suddenly, businesses negotiated and found suppliers offering low payment fees. We don’t have anything like these convenience fees for paying with cards over cheque that I hear about.
Amex still charges higher fees so many places still don’t take those cards. The value of benefits (air miles, cashback) have gone down significantly but in reality, it was essentially transferring wealth from the poor (who could never get these cards) to the rich, through these fees, so works out better overall.
The banks here advertise that they help everyone get bank accounts and social benefits are paid into bank accounts so I assume everyone is able to get an account. However, I do wonder if some people, especially the homeless, slip through the cracks.
They seriously won’t issue one even though it’s faulty? Surely it’s their fault as suppliers of a defective product that is probably still owned by them in some legalise way!
My chip stopped working and after one quick phone call they sent a replacement one. Do all the banks you can access do this or worth changing over?
Been using Duckduckgo for a few years now and found it very good, although it’s also on the downward SEO ruined path. Have tried Google occasionally and wow is it juat completely full of crap.
I just tried it out on a couple of random questions (one on docker, the other on proxmox networking) and it looks very promising. I didn’t even have to login, it showed the sources, it gave step by step instructions, and suggested follow up questions that were helpful. Thanks for sharing!
It will be funny when they eventually decide the AI bureaucracy is the problem like they are blaming the civil service now. Nothing to do with their disastrous unworkable policies (Rwanda), pandering to the extreme elements of their party (Truss) or their complete ineptitude (pretty much everything else)…
One good thing that happened in recent years is the digital push and gov.uk websites. I have to say, getting a driving licence, renewing a passport, finding information on lots of topics has massively improved. Carry on with this, not wasting money on untested technology. Of course, that’s silly for me to say. The money will all go to friends of the party with nothing gained.
It never went away but lots of people I know who did all that stopped bothering.
When the range in netflix went down, fees went up and everybody launched different services, I was really thinking of sailing but it was Netflix blocking sharing that was the final straw.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Will have to reconsider my choices here!