but it is a double edged sword, lol. now that i have proved to myself that those cables really will come in handy one day, i am forever stuck with a slowly growing stash of cables!
vegan, linux evangelist, mario 64 speedrunner, hiker, food enjoyer
but it is a double edged sword, lol. now that i have proved to myself that those cables really will come in handy one day, i am forever stuck with a slowly growing stash of cables!
last week i needed the dvi to hdmi converter cable i’ve been saving in my cable hoard for like 8 years and i have never felt so validated
well if women scientists are the devil then nuclear science WAS developed by a demon. checkmate atheists /s
angelic 2 the core is one of the only albums i’ve ever listened to that is so bad i enjoyed listening through the whole thing. i feel like most people understand that feeling with movies, but this one album is the only time i’ve felt it with music.
it really is crazy how different it feels to use a linux pc after being conditioned to think that windows is just how using a computer is. the way i relate it to my friends is that using windows feels like i’m constantly compromising with the computer, but using linux i own my computer and it works for me - not the other way around.
idk sometimes it’s just fun to eat something really hot, especially with friends
my dad and i did the 1 chip thing a few years back and we got a fun time and a funnier video out of it. not much more to it really
you aren’t the only one, shit is scary lately. but i’ve personally taken that as initiative to go do/buy the things i want (that i can afford) now instead of later in my life when i have more money/time, because realistically i don’t know that i will have more money/time when i’m older if things keep up as they are right now.
it hurts to think about.
i say something like this often in real life, but despite it being plainly observable in daily life other people still don’t agree.
it’s on all scales too, or at least it feels like it. moving everything to streaming, always online, etc. want to play a competitive video game with your friends? give a corporation root-level access to your home computer. ads everywhere some greedy ass in a suit can think to stick them whether you pay or not, yet everyone complies like this is normal and i get singled out for caring about our rights as consumers.
i love capitalism i love money
HEY bots don’t wink
right up my alley, thank you!
trackmania has that in common with basically all speedrunning streams/content. super nice to have in the background since it can be repetitive and you can pay attention if they get a good run going :)
and there are people who speedrun probably every game you’ve ever enjoyed, so there is plenty of options!
the part i struggled with most is realizing that everyone i know just doesn’t care about animals enough to stop eating their favorite sandwiches, the rest is pretty straightforward. keep on fightin the good fight
yeah all the data is out there for why its better for you, the planet, and the animals that live on it, and i find it strange to not find veganism “modest” enough. going vegan was the easiest major lifestyle change i’ve ever made, and beans are cheaper than meat.
the only time i have problems being vegan is when someone else makes it a problem, and for some reason people really like to respond to any mention of veganism with hostility. but also those same people love animals and hate animal abuse.
factorio is one of the best automation games ever, and also has just about any quality of life feature you could think to add to a game.
i’m in my first ever modded playthrough with space exploration and i’m blown away by the increase in complexity. the vanilla game is great but the mods are definitely worth trying if you want an exponential jump in complexity.
really wish i wasn’t using discord, but i keep in contact with a good number of people on there and less than half of them would even consider switching services/software.
i don’t think many people would consider posts that are literally paid advertisements part of “our space”
yeah i’ve basically never had an issue that wasn’t my fault for tinkering with something that is either unstable or that i didn’t understand well enough.
i will say that rolling releases like arch can introduce system-breaking issues (it happened to me like twice in the 3 years i’ve been running arch, but man it sucks when it happens) so users who aren’t so into tweaking and messing with their systems should probably opt for something more stable.
just beat a difficult game about climbing and i loved it! it’s the only other game in the genre that has risen to the heights of getting over it in terms of gameplay mechanics and level design.
if anyone reading this knows about a community for these types of games (foddian? getting over it-likes?), please send it my way. i love these games to bits and have so much to say about them but to my knowledge basically no one cares about these games outside of watching people on twitch get angry at them.
looking forward to playing return of the obra dinn, then i’ll probably start speedrunning the climbing game until baby steps releases lol
hey rich people probably still say that