F*cking idiots.
F*cking idiots.
Don’t worry, I’m sure that he has concepts of a plan already.
…and they should do what?
They don’t have the votes in congress to do anything themselves, and their ability to block things is very limited. They could slow down confirmations more, I suppose, but they don’t have the votes to stop anyone. Democracy sucks sometimes.
If they’re using the platform available to them to call out horrible things and lawbreaking, then it’s something. The only thing that might change the current situation is if we can start convincing more of the general population to sour on the trump regime to put pressure on them. Eventually, that could be leverages to win elections which could put a brake on things (maybe).
Of course they are; they’d be stupid not to.
That said, given the total joke that operational security is to this administration, I’d imagine that they have most of the U.S secrets already. Heck, trump is probably having tulsi share and collaborate with russia.
I’m not arguing for it, I agree that it’s fine if it’s a free choice. I don’t think personally that it’s a good one, though.
My point is that many of the women pushing this on the republican side view all of this, including their own loss of rights, as a positive likely. It’s not like a “leopards eating faces” or “voting against their interests” situation where they might be reachable.
For the believers, I think that tmany would be fine with this. It reinforces their preferred structure of a patriarchy in which they have a well-defined place and role (head of the domestic household, subservient to the man). No worries about having to deal with a fickle job market or figuring out what you want to do with your life. Your life path is set (get married, raise kids, take care of family), and, for some, that well-defined role the status that it conveys is really comforting. It provides a sense of security.
It’s why, I expect, while there are many who fight it, there are plenty of women in Muslim societies who are fine with things as they are. We emphasize with those women who chafe at that and fight it since we’ve history valued the individual rights of self-determination and freedom, of course.
Thats a big allure of the American taliban to some folks. It provides structure and defined roles in a chaotic world.
Of course, republican men like it for the power, but more importantly, that women voters mostly vote against them. Stopping women from voting would cement them in power.
Because they think that he will hurt people that they’ve been led to hate.
They’re not silly at all, they’re thugs. They want to influence the next one by showing the cost of going against them.
Now, we’re lucky that they’re mostly grifting, incompetent, blustery cowards, so the risk isn’t what it could be.
Probably, but for other reasons. Neither of those are owned by the US, are they?
Not (re)building in areas prone to wildfires, mudslides, floods, and the like would be a good start. Otherwise, someone has to pay to rebuild when the ever more frequent disaster hits. State farm and other insurers suck in many ways, but this isn’t unreasonable on their part.
If one of them gets into power, Canada might just pay for that wall.
This assumes that the mass shootings are a problem that they’d want to solve, but it’s not since mass shootings are useful to them. They’re flashy, get lots of media coverage, and feed a sense of chaos and societal breakdown. With that, they make the case the current system can’t keep you safe, and we need an authoritarian to bring order, which they’re happy to provide.
The republican base isn’t conservative in the modern sense, they’re reactionary. In a similar vein, evangelical republicans don’t support the people who embody the values that they profess to hold sacred, they fully, and loudly, back people who are quite the opposite.
I imagine that both groups feel that they’re increasingly losing out in modern society and are seeking someone who’ll crush their perceived enemies and return them to their rightful place ruling the rest of us. So, the allure of a strongman to return them to their imagined golden age.
So, if they have a family and kids, I guess they’re on the street now? The parent involved is likely going to prison, so they’re not going to be able to provide support. This is “tough on crime” theater that would likely do nothing but cause more harm.
Executive orders can’t make things illegal. They’re not royal proclamations, they’re just guidance to executive agencies.