Lots of Christian types aren’t catholic, so wouldn’t care what he said.
Lots of Christian types aren’t catholic, so wouldn’t care what he said.
God Awful Movies. They have other Podcasts too but I’ve mostly only listened to their comedy ones and not as much their serious ones. Citation Needed (not Citations Needed) is another comedy one from them, where they use mostly Wikipedia to research a subject poorly.
Makes her rich. She knows racism, as she’s had to sue successfully in the past, but it’s easier to get money this way. There’s this podcast where atheists make fun of bad Religious movies (mostly Christian, with a few Jewish, Hindu, scientology, culty, and just plain weird Woo/conspiracy ones) and they are constantly surprised how bad they are yet still profitable.
They joke about just switching sides for the payout. Some people don’t have enough standards to not do so.
Yeah, but if you want more people to talk about it with you should link it anyway, so others can try it out.
I can’t tell my hours, because I left it open while doing other stuff, and overnight etc. Same with Ark. Both have 8k+ hourly, but FFXIV has more (but isn’t in steam for me).
Maybe, but it does say “Trump loving”, not Trump voting. I acknowledge and don’t hold too hard a grudge on people who don’t pay much attention and only vote on stuff they think will affect them. I still consider it selfish, but I will acknowledge some people have enough issues in their life to not realize how bad it could affect others.
For instance, one of my sisters friends voted for Trump in 2016 because she is a small business owner and thought he would be better for her business. I don’t know how she has voted since, and she’s a black mother in FL, so I hope she’s changed her mind.
Still, I have seen people make excuses for themselves that they have to be responsible for their employees as well etc etc, so someone with a not hateful mindset may make a decision those of us more informed or plugged into may realize is much worse for them either way.
Edit, forgot my original point. The above included I don’t think would be considered “Trump loving”, so I think by that statement she’s saying he loves more than just a policy or two.
I saw… killing joke? Whatever movie was made off of that. The Batman Batgirl Makeout was completely unnecessary and more than a bit disturbing.
The US always tries to do what they think others are doing. Half of their crazy ideas are because they heard a rumor and/or assumed the Soviets were doing it. Mind control, truth serums, ESP, cat spies.
Haha, I was worried there were some obscure deaths I didn’t know about.
The triangle is HUGE, and due to where it covers, a lot of shipping went through it, and still does iirc… Saying its dangerous because ships wrecked there often isn’t that far off from calling Earth dangerous since every human has died there. It’s a true statement, I suppose, but the context helps understand it’s not a very reasonable one.
Theres a CGPGrey video that describes old techniques. It’s not quite up to date on some of its predictions, but it is how some machine learning works. Of course, it doesn’t discuss current proprietary techniques, because those are company secrets. Still, it’s as good a guess we’ll likely get, unless something radically different has been invented:
There is also a second video about more modern stuff, but it’s more a footnote:
Sure, but a big business doing large volume would care less. They generally already order with the built in assumption that even if the amount is correct, not every single one would be usable. At certain costs/products this may require accurate counts (like say docking stations) but with other certain things, including some foodstuffs and of course much cheaper supplies (like say disposable straws or chopsticks) they wouldn’t even bother to count to make sure they got 10000 straws this order instead of 9995 straws. The amount of money paying someone to coun that to be sure would be more than the missing straws worth, unless you suspected your supplier was shorting you on purpose.
If you need more specifics, then generally the smart thing to do is find a machine that already counts more accurately than a human, like change/bill counters, or other counting machines. Generally isn’t worth it to have any employee count large numbers regularly.
I’ve definitely counted paper the same way. Basically needed to sort short pieces of paper by the thousands. We weighed something like 20-25 sheets then used that weight as a measurement.
If you need a perfect count, then you’re correct about the accuracy, but generally a few off here and there isn’t that big a deal. Many companies will allow for some error because it isn’t worth the time to track it down to perfection. This applies even to food standards: the FDA allows up to 60 insect parts per 100g of chocolate (coffee, the cutoff is “Average 10% or more by count are insect-infested or insect-damaged”). They also allow mold up to a certain %. 4% for coffee, and I’m seeing some say 10% for certain fruits. You can see lists here: https://www.fda.gov/food/current-good-manufacturing-practices-cgmps-food-and-dietary-supplements/food-defect-levels-handbook
Perfection is expensive, cheat a little. Your boss may have been annoying, but in general he’s more correct than you were.
In comparison it’s wildly different, and some of the comments to make are massive spoilers. I will say the difference in “sacrifice” is much better, as the first betrays some built in concepts, treats one of the childhood friends as disposable, and doesn’t really let the main character grow.
In brotherhood they call out some of what I said, plus many more characters have much more enjoyable personalities, even some of the pieces of shit like Kimbley(at least he had principles, insane as they were). I like the homunculi better too, even if they were trying to go for a more emotional and artsy thing. Their father is also has far better reasons in Brotherhood for being absent.
I feel like the first anime tried to tug the heartstrings and/or focus solely on the brother relationship too much. I also hated what was done to Rose for what appeared to be no reason but to make things more emotional.
Brotherhood intentionally skipped over a bit in the start, since people most likely had seen it. Not enough for me to recommend watching the entire older anime though. Maybe up to a certain rain moment.
He still thinks the “Central Park 5” should have been executed even though they were exonerated. 5 young men who share a certain skin color with me…
Agreed. I once tried to look up nearby supermarkets that didn’t donate to antilgbt stuff (or just not GOP) and it wasn’t feasible to avoid it with what was in range back then, especially if I wanted any quality. It felt like I had no choice, so accept and live with it is also what I did. I still tried to avoid egregious examples, of course. Tesla now counts, not just because of his personality, but also because of some of the cost cutting practices and regulation skirting he has done.
I don’t track down and listen to CEOs. I don’t know most of them. The pedo sub thing was generally the first negative I heard about him also, just from general impressions that came off if you didn’t search for him specifically. I also heard about the Type E and Type 3 thing, and how he wanted to have the cars spell out SEX. I thought it was a bit immature, but didn’t read much further into it back then how much of a manchild he was.
If you’re not dialed into specific types of content, you just didn’t hear it. It’s not simply opening your ears as you said. It would involve having enough interest in looking up a CEO of a company, and many of us don’t do that. I don’t know who runs Kroger, though I have some negative opinions due to the price fixing. I don’t know who is the CEO of Aldi, of Nissan, of AMD, of cuisine Art, etc. I use products from or purchase from the previous companies either daily or weekly, but knowing the CEO generally doesn’t affect me.
What he’s done since then does now affect much more, but back then it wasn’t that important for most to know.
Organic may have. It gets people both on tge right and tge left, people who want more natural and less science/additives/pesticides, etc.
Often called woo woo stuff, it’s generally alternative to mainstream stuff, and can be harmless, or could be Goop, Alex Jones stuff, anti modernity etc.
Vegans and environmentalists can also sometimes take those feelings to extremes also, though we should never blame the whole movement on that.
An example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savitri_Devi
Her motivations to turning to fascism looks to have been at least helped by her passion for animal rights, as lots of people in Europe still tortured cats at the time and she kinda hated people for it.