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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024


  • look im as stoked as anyone else but that information should really be in a section explaining it in detail further down the page, for Tyson, for Simpson, and even for Trump. Say who he is and what he did that’s notable, not what the government did about it. it should say “fraudster” if anything, because that’s who he is. i don’t think labeling people vaguely as “felons” helps anything, and mostly serves to dehumanize people who have caught charges whether it was justified or not. that’s just my two cents.

  • basically everything beyond launching itunes/safari/whatever is tucked away in weird non-obvious places. i literally had to have someone show me how to get the list of all apps (it’s called something absolutely baffling that i’ve since forgotten) after clicking on and combing through things for like half an hour. the longest it’s taken me to suss out the same, to get a list of applications, on literally any other OS has been seconds, maybe a minute at longest.

    so yeah, my example is the single most basic thing a user should be able to do in order to use the computer, is so unintuitive on mac that a grown ass adult who is a chronic distro-hopper needed help figuring it out. and god forbid you want to change a setting beyond the wifi, screen brightness, and audio volume.

  • i grew up in a rural area where nascar is very popular (i personally never cared for it or paid much attention) and never understood the seemingly irrational hatred some people seemed to have for mr earnheardt, but that one quote makes it all make sense. thanks for clearing that up for me.