It might be that I’m looking at this from a US perspective. Craig’s list has been a bit rough when I’ve tried it. Scammy and shadier people. I hope you’ve had better experiences here than me.
I found cash converters out of the UK. Is that correct? It seemed comparable to a pawn shop at first glance.
Change your world not others. Ask yourself why is your happiness based on feedback from what others think of what you do? It’s terse, but “fuck ’em”. Did you do something to better the world, your life, the life of a random passing bug? If so, that’s a net gain in the world. Take the small wins.
Be moral. Be good. Find what makes you happy no matter what the rest of the world thinks.
Find peace and/in contentment. Realize that happy can be a euphoric high that’s not a constant, but a momentary state.