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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Yes the paper is examples of both, I specifically choose it so you couldn’t claim it was biased.

    You think the people second-wave feminists had to fight against for equality sat around arguing, “Well, the first wave feminist made great strides but these new ones just want to ruin men”?

    You can keep pushing the goal posts. First it’s all feminism and now it’s “oh okay just the new ones”. All feminists want equality. 2nd wave, 3rd wave, and the current 4th wave.

    Being a man who has had to do the inner work to break through my own toxicity I understand that feeling that comes with being surrounded by feminist anger. It seems isolating because men have issues too. Men hurt. We suffer the most homelessness. We suffer from the most suicide rates. Male disposability is a huge problem that often gets overlooked. But shitting on feminism isn’t the answer. A marginalized group struggling for equality isn’t your enemy. The patriarchy is the reason for all those problems. Infact, after digging through my own shit and starting to understand other people’s plights has just made me feel closer to everyone and made me realize the isolating feeling wasn’t coming from feminism but from my own views. If you want to discuss feminism further I’ll gladly in private, but I think I’m done with the back and forth on here. Take care, friend.

  • I’m sorry one Google search didn’t bring up populist topics you where looking for. Just because family law isn’t on the forefront of the general feminist agenda doesn’t mean there isn’t attempts at reform or, has been in the past. It’s very obvious your entire concept of feminism is rooted in ignorance at best, a misinformation at worse.


    Here’s a paper explaining how feminism has changed family. Giving many modern (1960 onward)examples.

    1. Removed the ban on contraceptives.Allowing the individual to determine their reproductive rights. Both man and women.
    2. Made it so alimony wasn’t just from husband paying wife but could be from wife to pay husband.
    3. Made it unconstitutional to to discriminate against children born outside of marriage. Affects men and women.
    4. No-fault divorce. Allowing people to actually get divorced. Both men and women.
    5. Created laws for restraining orders, and classified marital rape.
    6. Increases recognition of informal relationships (not legally married).
    7. Created a legal separation between sex and procreation which laid the ground work for same sex relationships. Helps men and women.
    8. Helped remove gender based roles described in family law which redefined legal marriage. Helps men and women.

  • Feminism when women have issues in society: “Men, you must fix this! Or else you are an evil person!”

    Feminism isn’t women asking men to fix their problems. It’s asking men to simply treat them the same so they can fix their own problems. And it’s not even fully just men, but the patriarchy which if you don’t know the difference then you need to figure that out before you start making broad sweeping generalizations of feminism.

    Feminism when men have issues in society: "Ew, sort your own shit out, loser males

    Except feminism is also about fixing male problems. Every single problem men face would be fixed if we got equal rights. For example one of those most prevelant problems that men face is discrimination in family court. Men almost always get screwed when it comes to parental rights. This stems from the old patriarchal view that men should be working and women taking care of the children. When divorce was first legalized courts gave the women custody of the children so men could be free to be men with out the burden of children. Now, men have grown and are starting to realize they want to be fathers. They want families. But due to old patriarchal ideals and ingrained ‘traditions’, often not even conscious decisions, men get screwed when it comes to parenting rights.

    This reaches across all feminist ideals. Men just dont want to hear it.

  • Role models

    Boys traditionally are taught from a very young age that uncompromising, and ‘unfeeling’ toxic males are what we need to look up to. So that’s what they gravitate towards. It’s a whole other discussion about unburdening and unpacking toxic views in men that is the core issue actually at play.

    Disproportional push in favor of girls and to the detriment of boys is also to blame.

    Women pushing for equal rights isn’t to blame for men not unpacking their own toxic baggage. If no one is standing up for boys look at the men. It’s not girls’ fault that no one is trying to reachout to troubled boys. The ones who are reaching out are toxic gross assholes like Tate or Rogan who are using these boys as a means to line their bank accounts.

    Doesn’t look like it’s gonna fix itself anytime soon though.

    Social inequality is never going to fix itself. There isn’t a single issue in the world that is going to just fix itself.

  • As Llamapacolypse said, it has it’s dark moments. What I wrote above is some of the darkest. It never goes into too much detail when it involves some of the more triggering things. Just a fade to black.

    That said it’s such an intensely human series. So much love and compassion litered throughout the whole thing.

    It’s also such a unique experience. Most fantasy books have huge massive reveals that shock and take you by surprise. Malazan has these things. But it also does it in reverse. You’ll read something and then a book or two later it changes context entirely, completely blowing your mind.

  • The Crippled God from Mazalan Book of the Fallen. I should probably spoiler this. And trigger warning.


    The High King Kallor once ruled an empire. And he did so with a cold hard iron fist. Some Elder Gods decided that he was to be dethroned, and set off to confront the High King. Kallor had gotten wind of this before the confrontation and so had all his mages begin a ritual. One that would summon an alien force from beyond the known universe. They were successful and pulled an entity of such power that it destroyed Kallor’s entire empire. As the Gods approached the High Kings throne they found him there, emporer of only ash.

    The power Kallor summoned was so alien and anthemic to the universe it needed to be destroyed. But they found it couldn’t be done. So instead they crippled and chained the power. This power came to be know as the Crippled God.

    It’s hard to pinpoint exactly the cruelty that the Crippled God did himself. See, the crippled god worked in the shadows from his tent on the beach. He lifted others up to enact his broken visions. Granted them slivers of his alien power, and whispered promises of power or revenge into their ears. One such figure was the Pannion Seer.

    The Seer was a holy figure who led an massive army, the Pannion Domin, on a crusade against the world. This was a holy war and such his followers where blindly devoted. His most devoted where called Tenescowri. The Tenescowri where purposely starved. Given no rations, no water, no food. They had to subsist on what they were able to find. And what is the most common thing found after a battle? Dead bodies. The Tenescowri was an army of forced cannibalism.

    It gets a bit darker. The most powerful of the Tenescowri where the Children of the Dead Seed. During battle the fervent women would take dying men, and force them to copulate. Filling their wombs with the seed of a dead man. These children would grow up to be unholy warriors.

    I think it was said the Tenescowri were 100,000 strong led by Anaster the Fist Born of the Dead Seed.

  • Things are bad at a federal level. That isn’t something you can avoid by moving to a Good place, as you call it. Yes, I said state by state but that was only half the concept. It’s state by state for now. With federal protections being stripped that means we are one election from going the complete opposite direction. That is not a Good place to be.

  • This is entirely dependent on who you are. My wife just had the highest court of the land tell her she has no medical privacy. Sure, right now it 's on state by state basis, but that can change. Every member of the supreme Court said under oath they wouldn’t overturn precident and yet here we are. I have no worries that anything bad will happen to me due to legislation, but I am a white cis male. My wife isn’t. My best friend is a POC. My inner circle is filled with nonbinary and poc. All these people are actually being affected by the “culture wars” in very real and tangible ways. Feeling like it’s all okay right now must be coming from a very privileged and secluded position. Having held multiple people that I love dearly while they cry because their rights were stripped changes your perspective on a lot of things.