All the other numbers can be written wit 0/1
Hang a poster with your face and resume up and wait for responses.
That can be true, I don’t know. Apart from that, the suggested app is exactly what Syncthing is.
1 is great.
for 2: syncthing is exactly this.
Fascist would take power. Then everyone who’s not straight white and only does missionary sex will be sent off to the camps.
that’s going to happen anyway if Trump wins.
Oh my fucking god. I think it can’t get any worse for a mother.
You’re right. A bear wouldn’t sexually assault you, he would simply kill you.
Even the Jewish community in Germany is against Netanjahus way of treating Palestine.
Also cheese in general is a by product of the meat industry.
Its more the other way around. Meat is the by product of creating milk. Not all meat is a by product, but some.
That’s true, but rotating less frequently would be better for everyone. As example rotating every month has the same effect, but allows your worker to get a good rhythm.
The Job description OP posted is weekly rotating shifts. Quarterly rotating g shifts is a good way to prevent getting stuck in one shift without destroying your employees.
Youre right in terms of using the machines. However, it doesn’t make any difference for the machine who operates it. If people operate it while doing their normal first shift like they do every week or if they operate it in the third shift, because they have it this week makes zero difference for the machine. Rotating shifts has absolutely zero benefits and destroy your workforce.
German here. Here rotating shifts in assembly, jobs is quite regular. We also have unions for the big industries that do rotating shifts.
Yesterday I tried to fill out a google forms sheet on my phone. It was literally unusable. Theform didn’t even completely loaded and when I tried to check something it took about 5 seconds till it responded.
Wouldn’t be a loss IMO
Mindustry is so damn good.
It will only be used for corporations, but at some point we will also get it for our homes, but not yet. Also Theres still a lot of research to do before this will be used anywhere.
I also want to add Branch Education. They explain(in detail) how computers work: