Okay which is it, is he bringing in a bunch of immigrants or kicking them out??
I just don’t understand anymore
Okay which is it, is he bringing in a bunch of immigrants or kicking them out??
I just don’t understand anymore
Never seen a more accurate representation of my life
Legendary, the owners of lemmy.ca are doing a great job to be honest
Man hopefully my instance can stamp these out
What’s the toll at? Last time I heard it was in the hundreds of journalist
There is no such thing as Justice, not until the people take it ourselves.
Parenting is harder than ever, so I don’t blame parents.
Back in the day you would have the mother home all the time, even more recently there was still a strong community in most places and big families meant lots of babysitters.
Nowadays it’s fend for yourself for everybody almost everywhere, so raising a kid properly is almost impossible unless you are rich or have a lot of free time.
Most kids are not going to pay a subscription for a VPN, I don’t think that would be as big of an issue as you think.
I strongly disagree.
Social media is terrible for mental health especially for the youth. Phones and tablets help in some areas like motor control development but also hurt other places like attention deficiencies and critical thinking, and very rarely does it lead to a kid learning how technology works (that’s usually from the computer nerds, aka kids who want a computer, doesn’t happen even close to the same rate as smart phones.
Smart phones make people dumb. That’s my opinion. But the above are scientifically backed.
Nah you’re just complacent, old man
If it’s in my lunch bag that doesn’t look like theirs, then yes I would
I would only use them if they denied me EI after leaving the company and claiming I left due to the toxic environment. In Canada that’s how EI works, you can get it if you quit if the working environment is illegal or toxic etc
I would still make a big deal about it, and demand a solution
Did it help?
If teams was just teams and didn’t have all this cross integration bullshit with OneDrive/SharePoint and Todo and viva I wouldn’t mind it.
But no, it has to be part of the ecosystem 🤮
Why do they want IT admins to be useless?
That’s so fuckin gross lol
I know your being sarcastic but compared to what they were dealing with, 32% is actually a big success
If this success lasts a long time, it will almost certainly guarantee a dystopian future for all of us.
Wow way to be a condescending asshole, I guess people shouldn’t ask questions anymore?
That’s totally not how we ended up with Trump again, people not asking questions when they are confused.
Guess I’ll just assume next time. You fucking asshole.