You make a good point. I guess abrasive is different from toxic
You make a good point. I guess abrasive is different from toxic
Makes more sense if you reverse it: Toxic Redditors tend to be politically engaged. It’s not the politics that makes them toxic it’s because they are toxic that they engage with politics so much. Most people who are informed with politics don’t necessarily engage. Of course there are people who do who aren’t toxic but the loudest voices usually are abrasive people.
I really recommend nativewind to solve pretty much every gripe I have with styling react native, if you still want to give it a chance. Expo for instant cross platform updates by just publishing updated JavaScript (no more publishing updatdes in app store and play store!) Also, yup and Formik for form validation and react query for API calls. With these minimal libraries react native becomes a beast.
Not sure, I guess exposing the cookie to air let’s the milk seep in deeper.
I remember watching a Mythbusters or similar show that concluded that the time out of the milk after dipping is more important than the time in the milk. I’ve been doing that ever since, one dip than 5 seconds out then dip again and 5 seconds out again and it’s perfect every time.
It’s very easy to compare this to The Prohibition but the reality is alcohol is much more popular than tobacco. For someone who doesn’t drink, understanding the appeal of drinking in a social setting is way easier. With this law I don’t think there is a need for a black market of tobacco like there was with alcohol as it will still be available to purchase, just more controlled. The effect will be a reduction in exposure in younger generations that simply won’t find the need to start smoking. This works and in my province of Quebec since laws have been getting stricter the only people that still smoke are poor or raised by heavy smoker parents.
It’s fine I am not here for imaginary points but for good conversation like this 😁. That sounds very hard, for my part most of my thinking revolves around imagining objects, even when they’re metaphores like trees when coding and such. You have all my sympathy as well, hopefully you can find ways to work around it and figure out solutions.
I don’t have aphantasia but I have ADD. It causes me so many problems in my day to day life and in my relationships. It’s one of those things that people think that either I am too lazy to “just do it” or “just make an effort to remember” or that I am mentally challenged If I try to explain it. Or worse, people think they have it too because they have all the symptoms some of the time. For me it’s not a woopsie daisy kind of forgetfulness, it’s every. Single. Time. All. The. Time. So I don’t have aphantasia but I kind of understand the struggle, of not being neurotypical. I am very curious about what it means to have aphantasia, would you care to explain what it’s like?
There is no concept of personal “algorithmic” feed here unless he subscribed to a bunch of hentai communities. I agree that when browsing on Everything sorted by New, there is a LOT of hentai. That includes AI generated hentai that seems popular here, probably because it is a legal gray zone.
It’s ridiculous that they would rather throw out all this product instead of just buying the domain back and serve a simple website. Goes to show how little the brand controls about their business.
Yea actually, that has a good “taste your own medecine” vibe
TBF, I don’t think the purpose of this watermark is to prevent bad people for passing AI as real. It would be a welcome side-effect but that’s not why google wants this. Ultimately this is supposed to prevent AI training data from being contaminated with other AI generated content. You could imagine if the data set for training contains a million images generated with previous models having mangled fingers and crooked eyes, it would be hard to train a good AI out of that. Garbage in, garbage out.
Maybe that was their game with the federation stuff. “Hey we didn’t start this, we were just following suit on this open source project”. Anyway this logic wouldn’t fly in any court, they can’t have a copyright on text-based social media. They can only own their branding. Musk is just throwing a hissy fit again
Is that even possible? How do you know who downvotes you?