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Find customers where you want to vacation
Or do a “staycation”. Check in to a local hotel when there’s a long weekend.
In any case, hard work will pay off.
Obligatory load up the battery like a magazine
bzz bzz
We’re still talking about the arcade machine though right?
replace car with games
!because no more friends to play with!<
OP dug up the fiber cable connecting the east to the west
of earth
Buy your boss a tropical island vacation
Plot twist: op owns the company
Apes together strong
I don’t see it
Actually better not
Do we have a waterni hydrohomies lemmy
Edit: found it
That’s ok. Andre0513 has forked the repo and will be continuing its development.
Wasn’t this how the Morbius sequel was memed into existence
I hear sails are coming back too though.
It’s streaming companies’ fault
running out of space
I just delete the ones I’ve watched. The more popular ones will always be available
And thanks for the recommendations
They are.
whistles x-files theme
Sieze the day