Do you hate Netanjahu and the Israeli people that protest against him equally?
Formerly know as u/Arjab.
Anarchist | Antifascist | Anticapitalist.
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Do you hate Netanjahu and the Israeli people that protest against him equally?
The devs have some problematic views, mainly transphobic and misogynistic.
Btrfs, but I’m curious about ZFS.
Why do you wipe your root dir?
Correlation vs. causality!?
You could use Uptime-Kuma to actually ping any IP every 5 seconds.
Oh boy have I bad news for you. You ever heard of copyright?
You’re technically right, but nobody anticipated and therefore agreed on their posts being used for training LLMs.
Full on conspiracy?
there are hidden interests and hands that pull the strings of the dynamics that are harmful
Good for you, but this is the wrong sub for you then.
Is this as ad?
You could also use free LLMs, check out FMHY.
If you’re using compression, try compsize.
Why’s that? Everything is political.
In case this isn’t clear, I do not support the opinion stated in the video. Might have been misleading.
Masbe try compsize
Haganah actually fought against Irgun and Lehi.
“The Haganah, the largest Yishuv paramilitary, was a Labor Zionist organization; on occasion, it partook in military action (such as during The Saison) against certain radical right-wing Jewish political opponents and militant groups, sometimes in cooperation with the British Mandate administration.”
And the Irgun split from Haganah, because they were presumably too defensive.
“Journalists flock to yet another proprietary, commercial platform as the last becomes increasingly ‘toxic’ for reasons unknown.”