If you have to write Objective-C for some unfortunate reason - http://fuckingblocksyntax.com/
If you have to write Objective-C for some unfortunate reason and your IT infrastructure doesn’t like fun - http://goshdarnblocksyntax.com/
If you have to write Objective-C for some unfortunate reason - http://fuckingblocksyntax.com/
If you have to write Objective-C for some unfortunate reason and your IT infrastructure doesn’t like fun - http://goshdarnblocksyntax.com/
I’d guess that most people with public social media accounts would be susceptible to something like this. As long as there are videos available with the person speaking, which are plentiful by way of instagram reels / tiktoks, the rest of what the commenter described above sounds totally feasible.
Cool! I think GM had (has?) something similar, which is great.
I’m personally holding off until I can get a V2H charger, but if I didn’t have charging at work as an option, I’d jump on this.
oh boy… yeah WoW was around 3 hours a day x 5 days a week for about 4 years. Some days were more, some days were less, and I took a few breaks here and there. That comes out to around 100 days.
Totally agree, but I feel like the problem was the booking system, not the taxi.
I was traveling recently, and Uber had partnered with a local taxi company to handle ride requests. It was awesome. You get the convenience and speed of calling an Uber, but the vehicles and drivers are all regulated and paid by the taxi company. No questionable gig economy work, no wondering if the driver is getting paid fairly, no concerns over shady drivers, no ill-kept vehicles.