and it saves energy by using less A/C!
and it saves energy by using less A/C!
But the developers put a story/easy mode in the game. That seems intentional to me. Maybe those games just aren’t for you if the mere option of difficulty settings bothers you so much.
I think so. When i lived in the foothills of the Smokey Mountains, common wisom was that we didn’t have to worry about tornados because of all the hills, which is basically the same idea. Then we had one touch down anyway. I think tornadoes just don’t care anymore, almost like they’re more energetic for some reason… like the climate has changed somehow…
I want a physical keyboard again. I cam’t type on these damn tochscreen buttona. They’re too small and i canct tell which keya i’m toiching.
I have always used an ad blocker in the browser, but i recently jumped on the DNS blocking train and it’s like a whole new kind of awesome on my phone in particular.
They address your point in the article. The protections you speak of, that workers fought hard for, do not always or often extend to pregnant mothers.
I heard her talking about it on NPR earlier today. She did get her kid back, but it was a whole fucking ordeal she and her family should have never had to go through in the first place (and thank god she had the resources to fight it)
Also that Seinfeld episode.
platformers very often include coyote-time to make jumps feel better and to account for imprecise reaction times of players, but that would be cool to see it as a legit mechanic
I use FiraCode Nerd Font Mono instead, but it also does not have a specific italic font. In my config, only the “normal” section is defined, but all my bold and/or italic text looks like it should. Apparently, alacritty will apply a heavier weight or slant to the “normal” type face if you simply omit the “bold” or “italic” sections. So, what you have right now should Just Work.
Allegedly, you can omit the “style” specification in the “italic” section (ie: just add "italic": {"family": "FiraMono Nerd Font"},
to your config snippit above), but i haven’t actually tried doing it that way.
Due to some poorly placed quotes, I managed to create a subdirectory named ~
in my home folder. You can imagine what happened next. Luckily, I had just gotten my backup system up and running the day before, so nothing was lost.
It’s not about size. It’s the fact that the United States of America has the word “America” in it. And I don’t refer to the US as “America” (unless I’m being cheeky, though in those cases, I spell it 'Murica), but I do refer to people from the US as “American”.
And I know this is all kinda pedantic. I just think it’s fun to talk about words. I get the feeling you read some snark into my pervious comment, but that really wasn’t my goal.
Ok. I get it. There are people in the Americas that are not from the US. But do you call people from the United Mexican States “Unitied Mexican Stateans”? No, that sounds ridiculous. I think that it’s silly anyway to call everyone from either Americas “American” anyway; they are two different continents! “North American” or “South American” would be better, if you must get so broad with your adjectives (but really, continent-wide generalizations of people are rarely useful anyway). Sorry for the rant.
While i do think life exists elsewhere in the universe, I think the chances of extraterrestrial biological entities coming to our planet is exceedingly unlikely. Space is just too big, and there isn’t any hard evidence that faster-than-light travel is even possible.
Although, the universe isn’t just big – it’s old. There could be some ancient civilization from an ancient planet that became uninhabitable long ago. If they were technologically advanced enough to escape their solar system before things went tits-up AND were able to live multiple generations fully in space AND they just so happened to set out in our direction, I guess it’s possible that they found us. Even then, i would expect any UFOs or whatever would merely be probes, not the actual biological entities themselves.
I remember the vacuum having a seizure and swallowing his cord… Also, the entire junkyard scene can fuck right off
He wasn’t even done giving the deposition that he literally volunteered to give…
Do you think that rich people should have to serve shorter prison sentences because their time is more valuable? Do you at least SEE the parallel I’m trying to draw here?
And I already admitted that I don’t know what the optimal metric is. I just know that a flat fine that is the same for everyone, without taking into account their financial situation at all, is unfair.
I agree that everyone should be equal under the law, but that doesn’t mean that fixed fines are fair. The same amount of money has a different value to different people, and that perceived value changes depending on one’s income and wealth.
IDK if you saw my edit in my previous response with the community service example, but I think that might help clear up where we’re diverging. If it takes me 10 hours of work to make enough money to pay the fine, but it takes you 100 hours of work to pay the fine for the exact same offense because our salaries are different, were we really punished equally?
stealing != traffic violation. while stealing may have a fine associated with it, it’s generally based on restitution for the goods stolen + legal fees etc. So, you’re moving the goal posts on me, and my feelings about how to handle theft of necessities is tangential to the discussion (for the record, my feelings are: if you see someone stealing necessities, no you didn’t).
You seem to not be getting that the goal should be equal deterrence regardless of income or wealth or whatever the most fair metric happens to be. IDK what the baseline fine should be, nor what the most fair way to scale the fines should be b/c i’m a chemist, not a sociologist or legal scholar. But at the end of the day, if the only punishment is a fine, the wealthy don’t have to give a shit.
Edit: for #2, let’s use time instead of money. If instead of paying a $1000 fine, you could do community service. But the “value” of your community service is tied to your wage/salary. So, someone making $10/hr has to do 100 hrs of community service, while someone else making $100/hr only has to do 10 hrs of community service. Is that still fair in your view?
And some girls want to look at boobies, too.