Like the bots aren’t already scraping every website all the time anyway.
Like the bots aren’t already scraping every website all the time anyway.
In unrelated news, hate is reduced across the world.
This sounded good and it says it reports global news, but every story on the front page is US centric?
Do you ever compare it to news outside of your region?
About ten separate sources. A little bit of right, a little bit of left, some national, some international. I find this really exposes the bias some sources put on stories, and after a while you can tell which source it is just by words used in the headline and even by what news they don’t report.
Some good suggestions in this thread, I’ll be adding some new feeds.
the reality is that every Chinese company is ultimately controlled by the CCP.
But in the same way that every US company is ultimately controlled by the US Government. And every EU company by them. And every other country by their own government.
Mostly tiktok scrolling. It’s got a bad rep, but there’s a huge amount of seriously talented people on there doing amazing and creative things. I’m a 50-something year old guy and it quickly figured out I like videos about mine explores and restoring vintage vehicles. Once you learn to downvote stuff you don’t like, it’s quick to learn and aside from the comment bots or obvious trolls (Typically pro-Russian or Pro-Trump, if there’s a difference) it’s generally a positive thing, in moderation.
I totally get your desire about avoiding socials and have experienced the mood swings it can bring too. That’s made me quite tuned into how the algorithms are steering me. For me (and everyone’s experience is different) - Facebook is mostly bland generic stuff but quite useful for local content - just avoid the drama llamas), and use an advert blocker. Reddit is mixed. I used to be on there a lot and contributed and modded a bunch of stuff, but quit for a year after spez screwed over the app people. I skim it a bit now, but don’t give it much mind. X is awful, won’t go near it. Lemmy is less of a shitpost zone than most but still has too few people to be significant. We’re all helping with that though.
Lemmy aside, I think most algs will figure you out pretty quick. If you get involved in nasty commenting, it’ll feed you more of that. If you do the odd positive thing (as I try to) then it can be less toxic - but with all things, remember why you’re there. The more you feed it, the bigger to you it becomes. Balance is important, and be aware of how stuff is affecting you.
Anyway, beyond TT, crosswords, some news sites and the occasional candy crush.
Good question though, I’m reading other comments as it’s harder to find stuff outside of the main channels now.
But then he’ll just pardon them - they all know they have a get of jail free card.
Thats’s a shame, I always considered brother one of the better makers of paper manglers.
Best answer.
Extra tip: You can combine the two last commands with: systemctl enable --now <unit name>.service
Bad news sells.
Plenty of evil has been done under the name of communism and socialism too. It’s not capitalism’s fault, that’s just the tool that’s being used in these cases by evil people to achieve their ends.
The EU & UK would consider that age discrimination and illegal. You can’t be forced to retire at a given age.
Strange that America uses it - especially given the age you allow your presidents to be.
More information: It’s been rolling out to Android 9+ users since November 2024 as a high priority update. Some users are reporting it installs when on battery and off wifi, unlike most apps.
App description on Play store: SafetyCore is a Google system service for Android 9+ devices. It provides the underlying technology for features like the upcoming Sensitive Content Warnings feature in Google Messages that helps users protect themselves when receiving potentially unwanted content. While SafetyCore started rolling out last year, the Sensitive Content Warnings feature in Google Messages is a separate, optional feature and will begin its gradual rollout in 2025. The processing for the Sensitive Content Warnings feature is done on-device and all of the images or specific results and warnings are private to the user.
Description by google Sensitive Content Warnings is an optional feature that blurs images that may contain nudity before viewing, and then prompts with a “speed bump” that contains help-finding resources and options, including to view the content. When the feature is enabled, and an image that may contain nudity is about to be sent or forwarded, it also provides a speed bump to remind users of the risks of sending nude imagery and preventing accidental shares. - https://9to5google.com/android-safetycore-app-what-is-it/
So looks like something that sends pictures from your messages (at least initially) to Google for an AI to check whether they’re “sensitive”. The app is 44mb, so too small to contain a useful ai and I don’t think this could happen on-phone, so it must require sending your on-phone data to Google?
They’re two very different things. One is supernatural one is simply unknown.
Statistically, yes, life on other planets probably exists in some form as there’s just so many. But whether they’ve contacted, visited or even known about us - I don’t think so. Conspiracists will think secrets are being hidden but that’s what makes them feel important.
Ghosts - nah. There’s no proof beyond human imagination.
Yes, on top of trumpet winsock.
It’s all so much better now.
Best is Framework in every regard. Works 100%, great Linux support, specify exactly what you want and it’s fully repairable. (They’re also by far the most satisfying machine to unbox, given you have to plug it all together yourself)
Lenovo and Dell are okay, in my experience. The odd thing but generally fair quality hardware and reasonably compatible. (Thinkpad quality isn’t what it used to be, so don’t pay a premium thinking it’ll last, Lenovo are trading on its past glories)
Avoid HP - shoddy flimsy things now, and with a lot of bespoke drivers (graphics and audio, plus function buttons in particular)
There’s quite a lot of random-branded Chinese laptops around now. I’ve no direct experience of them, but I imagine they’re exactly how you’d expect them to be. Cheap, tailored for the OS they ship with, but will probably work to some degree. Linux is past its initial hardware problems (and to be fair, hardware is problematic now)
There’s another thread that’s a few years old, but still contains some useful info - such as “Check the Arch Wiki”
The Baz Lurhman’s Sunscreen Song is correct in every way.
That milk forms such a big part of western diets considering where it comes from.
I know - it’s exhausting.
All social and news streams are absolutely being flooded by American politics right now. It’s mad and crazy stuff, but there’s only so much someone can take before it really starts to affect ones mental state.
And Lemmy partially started as a not-reddit, so I guess it’s normal that people come to vent.
So - positive stuff you can do!
Subscribe to more communities that do interest you. Leave less space for the other stuff to come in. You can also block communities from your main feed very easily if you’re being given stuff you don’t want from them.
Youtube (with adblock) is hardly affected (or if it is, I don’t see it). That brings lots of interesting and creative content.
Going out into the world if you’re able. Reconnecting with nature, and also being reminded that people, by and large, are usually nice to you if you’re nice to them.
And I’ve been picking up old games and playing them more. Escapism is not such a bad thing.