Read the comma as a period instead of an “and.” Makes more sense that way.
Read the comma as a period instead of an “and.” Makes more sense that way.
Tip: nothing is revealed in the article. They were revealed privately to some of Congress.
This. It’s time to replace when your old car takes more $ to repair (factoring in your own time lost, too) than the loan payments on a newer car.
$2500 is on the very low end. Expect and budget double that.
The induction fan induces air to move out the exhaust before the combustion starts, so exhaust gas is ensured to exit the right direction.
If the furnace thinks the induction motor isn’t running or there isn’t a slight vacuum in the chamber right before the induction fan then it won’t light for safety reasons.
I’m my case it was a loose wire on the pressure sensor. Cost me a couple hours to figure out and a paper clip to fix. Been fine for 3 years since now.
I’m thinking the same. Water billing in the States is often by CCF/HCF.
I’m between 3 and 8 depending on time of year.
With outdoor use the OP’s 13 CCF sounds right, but 25 is way high and may indicate a leak somewhere.
USGS event page for this one
Mull and Vivaldi.
40 hours for me. Work related waste of my life in hindsight. Could have been only 39, but I powered through the last hour to hit the round number.
Community rule is 30 days.
I can take it or leave it. I rarely turn it on, and only if its draining slowly. I do not use it purposely for food waste, and honestly don’t know why anyone would.
I’ve had to clean out some nasty clogged pipes before that handled sink waste. Maybe if everyone saw what kind of lovely buildup accumulates nobody would use these things.
Edit: nothing like “someone is wrong on the Internet” brings all the boys to the yard. I’ll stand by my statement because I’m the one who personally snaked over 5 gallons of congealed sludge from the waste pipe in my tiny crawlspace. I didn’t live there long enough and use the disposal enough to explain it, and it wouldn’t have happened if there was no disposal to add that much solid matter over the years. So I personally don’t care if I have one or not since I do the maintenance for free, but I’ll continue to question why they’re even a thing.
Added to my post!
Added to my post!
Made a 5" aluminum baseball bat in high school shop class learning how to use a lathe. It’s been on my keys ever since. Thing is probably older than most folks reading this.
Edit: pic as requested. :)
3dfx Voodoo3 2000 AGP
Two letter TLDs are reserved for countries. No gTLDs use a two letter TLD.
According to the rules set by the org that controls the fate of IO. They can easily change the rules if they wanted. There is a vested interest in not losing IO, and nothing but their own rule to stop them. Who’s to tell them they can’t do whatever they want in this matter?
Yep. This is such a weird fear monger topic.
If the country that owns IO ceases to exist then IANA will just make it an ICANN generic TLD. Such a widely used TLD won’t be allowed to disappear. The rules are all made up anyway.
The Washington district that includes Vancouver has one of the most contested House races in the country this year.
They explain nothing. They’re in the same boat as all others: open source will let them keep MV2 longer than mainstream chrome, but that future is uncertain as the main project codebase starts to evolve around MV3 and backward compatibility to hack MV2 back in gets lost over time. Nobody here can make promises, and sites that make that make those judgments are naive.
I’m browsing via FF (fork) + Android + PWA right now. No extensions. ?