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Yeah honestly it’s hard to hate a guy who puts water wells in impoverished nations but it’s also hard to like a guy who rents tanks and a gasoline covered burning log catapult to destroy a literal unironic pile of money.
You’re right, Burgers are from Germany and France but Asian Cuisine is from California.
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I thought the Mr. Beast Burgers got discontinued because the quality of the company he delegated to was so poor that it was a liability to Beast himself?
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Luther Ray Abel, the known piece of shit who discards human dignity in exchange for snarky article clicks? That Luther Ray Abel?
I see you’re simultaneously for and against the sanctity and value of life depending on if it coincides with the message the airman wanted to spread.
If the lower limit is close to continued operating costs then I’m all for it. Plus, we can cut down on the corporate dipshits on payroll who decide pricing if the prices automatically adjust to Supply Demand Equilibrium.
The top level comment is sarcastic. The barriers put up by US Conservatives are causing death and injury in the Rio Grande river crossing. Their comment is bringing attention to that. The article is about the mental health of first responders who are dealing with mental trauma because they are the ones who have to remove the dead or dying bodies from the river.
The Federal Government is directly at odds with the Texas National Guard’s perimeter in the river and on the sides of the channel, but whether or not what he is doing is illegal has been stuck in the court system since last year. The divide between the two groups has grown so large that Texas secessionists are more outspoken than any point in the last century.
Meme would’ve made more sense if they hadn’t cropped it off, why did they do that?
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