I do a lot of my wrangling in R for more ad hoc stuff.
I do a lot of my wrangling in R for more ad hoc stuff.
I completely understand that reaction. When I say immature I mean a man who was abused by family so he ran away at 14 and kind of arrested his development at that point. So even things like this that sound completely insane don’t feel that insane to my family members.
I’ve had conversations with other family members to try to get them to imagine hearing this story without knowing who he was to really see how beyond the pale it was.
You downplayed his actions with the drugs as “irresponsible” (earlier and again now) and only talked about him making drugs available to her rather than forcefully injecting them when she couldn’t consent.
He predated on a very young patient. Whether or not the mother’s claims about his comments are true, he is clearly a manipulative monster.
The article talks both about the evidence and the mother’s statements. You look really bad here.
My grandfather, who is generally a good-natured but immature man, really ate up everything Fox News spewed at him about Trump. He and my grandmother always play the pity card that I don’t visit them, but they’ve been supremely unpleasant to be around for the last 8 years because they can’t leave politics out of it.
He wore a MAGA hat to my nephew’s 3rd birthday party and explicitly stated that he did it to make others uncomfortable. So no gramps, I don’t really want to visit you these days.
Here, I’ll take this up. The article also quotes text messages between them wherein he admits he injected her with ketamine himself while she was asleep.
You are monstrous for defending this monster.
Now everyone needs to play all the clones of that dumb auto-shooter on rails. Their ads keep telling me that game is going VIRAL right now. I think they must have misunderstood someone saying their ads are like a virus.
+1 for Piroshky Piroshky!
Check out Golden Age Collectables in the lower levels if you’re into any comics, sci-fi/fantasy, or board games.
And I’m not sure if it’s still there, but Turkish Delight towards the end of the street level has amazing, well, Turkish Delight. And their baklava is delightful, especially pistachio.
I will absolutely not bitch about the cold. I spend every day above 70 F wishing it were the dead of winter. I spend every day of winter in pure bliss because I’m not just permanently uncomfortable.
You can mitigate the cold in a plethora of ways. Layers, blankets, central heating, radiators, fire, cuddling. The heat will make me miserable all the time and the best I can do is temporary relief by a cold shower.
On a subzero winter day I’m having the time of my life in the morning walking to a local bakery for some donuts to bring home. No way I’m doing that in summer, I’d be absolutely drenched in sweat when I got home.
I sincerely hope you never test this theory. I think many people in this thread are severely underestimating how little noise is needed to be disruptive in the early morning.
My local noise ordinance sets the maximum permissible noise in residential areas during off-hours (10pm - 9am on weekends) at 45 dB. That can be exceeded by 5 dB for 15 minutes, 10 dB for 5 minutes, and 15 dB for 1.5 minutes. Lawnmowers are an exempt source of noise during day hours only. I guarantee if you were my neighbor your mower would be in violation of noise ordinance at night.
Plus, assume some people are sleeping with their windows open. Especially in mowing weather. Windows open overnight may be the only way they keep their house bearable during hot days.
Based on the design I think this is the one I have: https://www.ryobitools.com/products/details/46396037169#
It does say “brushless” but they’ve got a fair few different varieties. I don’t know, I mean like I said it is significantly quieter than a gas mower. It’s a good mower. But I don’t think it’s anywhere near quiet enough to consider using it during off hours.
My car insurance went up like 20% from last year to this year. Exact same shitty “coverage” as before.
What lawn mower do you have that is that quiet??? I have a Ryobi electric push mower that I bought last year and while it’s way quieter than a gas mower I would feel incredibly rude using it early in the morning.
And noise is different depending on time of day. Ambient noise is a lot lower in off-hours, so your mower would sound louder than it does during the day.
A favorite for me is “That’s not a good prize!”
Good suggestions, and yeah if someone has an accent I’m trying to identify I’ll usually ask about the accent and region I think it’s from.
I still feel a slight ick from “originally.” And usually I’m talking with people from my general region and I’m really just asking what local town they grew up in, so it’s sometimes more “did you grow up in [current location, or area they’re talking about]?”
I really hate that racists have ruined a perfectly good question. I often want to actually ask people where in the US they’re from, but I can’t ask the straightforward “where are you from?” if the person isn’t white because I know it can easily be interpreted as the racist version.
Instead I now ask “are you from [city we’re in]?” to try to make it clear I’m assuming they’re from the US.
Yeah, man. I’ll gnaw your face off.
- Teh C.
I said consummate Vs. Consummate!!
We had that light switch installed for you so you could turn the lights on and off. Not so you could throw light switch raves!
So tired of this.
“Hey we’re the Washington Territory want to be a state. Can we be called Columbia like the Columbia River?”
“No, we’re the District of Columbia and that would be too confusing.”
“Uh, okay. How about just Washington then?”
“Sure. Also we’re gonna be calling ourselves Washington, DC now and we’re just gonna kinda drop the DC part.”