TIL that I’m Japanese
TIL that I’m Japanese
I use fastmail. It’s similar to proton. I would recommend it over Gmail any day.
I’m a PhD candidate in chemistry. I’ve never once seen sodium refer to the salt, sodium chloride. Sodium is the metallic form or the atom.
However, why sodium, tungsten, lead, antimony, tin, silver, gold, mercury, iron, and potassium and not their Latin forms? Natrium, wolfram, plumbum, stibium, stannum, argentum, aurum, hydrargyrum, Ferrum and kalium? I don’t really know. Mostly it’s just fun trivia for me to tell the undergrads.
She was a doctor of phycology, so she’s easily late 20s early 30s. Not teenage. Maybe you think she looks young because she’s in shape? I’ve met 40 year olds IRL that have bodies like that. So I dunno about the “looks like a teenager” thing.
Also remember that in cartoons everyone has fair (smooth) skin until they’re quite old. It’s hard to show subtle signs of aging with cartoon detail. So they’re fair right up until they’re “old”.
Actual real life chemist here. This is not new. We’ve had “chemistry predictors” based on graph theory for decades. All that’s new is that this is AI based. So… potentially less accurate than the current tools.