We know what it is to live free
We know what it is to live free
Dysfunctional American English
I think one difference it makes, to answer your question, is that unsubstantiated claims like this tend to spread, virus like. Especially when pedalled by presidents and official government agencies. Many governments handled the pandemic predictably awfully, but this false narrative can have dangerous consequences, too. I’m worried about the number of times I’ve seen ‘plandemic’ spoken about. It gives me the impression that simply through repetition the meme grew stronger. But now it’s being echoed by_official statespeople. _
Here, there’s little to no benefit in boosting posts or up/down vote manipulation
I wish raycast was available!
You don’t really give a shit about people taking a shit?
what would you serve on this plate
A piece of paper with only a heading: “Insert lobby request here:”
And a footer: “Your business is important to us, thanks for supporting Democracy™”
There are more reasons than I have time to type out, but I am a long time mac and iDevice user. What’s got me raging lately is how, out of spite over a (justified, imo) EU ruling, apple is refusing to let EU customers access the newest toys in the playground. I’m in the process of transferring over to Android right now, I just havent found the right phone for me, yet.
death cab for cutie
endless economic growth
Yes, that’s right. Of course, ms shipped a device with drivers for its own hardware.
But most devices I plugged in, that needed drivers, had problems installing.
Most importantly, my soundcard. But also my graphics tablet.
One of the biggest problems I had with windows on ARM was drivers. Most of my devices that needed drivers didn’t have an arm compatible version available. This needs to change more urgently than simply being able to run software, for me, at least.
Because these mutherfuckers don’t get seats on the hype train, they buy the entire carriage.
I just listened to them. I don’t see how, in any decade, this gets called “punk”.
It speaks to an ever-evolving world, culture and society. But nothing and nobody really speaks to me.
Green bubbles
This happened to me when I signed up again to report a fraudster in my local area’s subreddit. I was instantly shaddowbanned, without any messages or warnings sent to me. I was unable to post or up/down vote. I contacted their ‘support’ over it and just got all my messages ignored, or maybe they weren’t even received.