Maybe you could delete Reddit. But you can self-host your own lemmy instance in addition to you website. It does not hurt to have your own website in addition to social media.
However, you cannot host a lemmy on github pages.
Maybe you could delete Reddit. But you can self-host your own lemmy instance in addition to you website. It does not hurt to have your own website in addition to social media.
However, you cannot host a lemmy on github pages.
How can it be both a marathon and a gamble?
Seems like you have a permissions issue. I just tested it on Fedora workstation gnome, run it from regular menu, then it asked me for password. You, you have a permission denied isssue, so you need to figure out how to run it as root.
They get better everyday. You will use them at some point if you cannot find your software via your favorite package manager.
Yes, and its activitypub bridge Mostr.
As @xmunk said, cleaning needs to be embedded in other tasks. If you cannot figure out how to embed a given task then you can set it for a fixed schedule. For example, you say that you clean your desk or office on Saturday morning and you have a given set of steps you accomplish.
Another trick I learned from corporate world is to delegate the tasks. It is more manageable to follow up on someone doing it for you than you actually doing it. This can be someone else living with you, or someone you can hire to do. For example, you can hire someone to clean the house every Sunday. This later option could be expensive.
If you want to embed tasks and do it yourself, then you need to make them easy for you, for example, you can overstock cleaning products. Let’s say you have a kitchen microfiber towel that hangs nearby and a dedicated cleaning product at reach. You consider that a meal (launch or dinner) equals, fetching the ingredients, cooking, eating and cleaning dishes, putting away dishes, and finally cleaning them. If you don’t clean dishes then you consider you did not finish your dinner.
Same thing for the bathroom, you need cleaning tools at reach when you are in the bathroom, don’t reuse kitchen stuff to clean the bathroom. Then when you shower, you clean the bathtub, the mirror, the sink, your underwear, wipe the floor, etc.
I cannot reproduce it, I just tried to copy some files with various methods but they always end up correctly named. The only difference is that I have Btrfs. I never encountered this issue when I was using ext4 though.
So you mean the meme is the posting in itself of a very old stolen meme?
Never noticed that? How do you copy them, from terminal? What software do you use? What file system do you use?
What is wrong with this?
DNT is now a deprecated web standard.
I know like less than 10 phrases:
Etcetera Ad hoc Vice verca Veni vidi vici Carpe diem Spiritus Santus
And some other I forgot how to write them and correect pronunciation because I never use them. Generally I only know words or phrases, not even a full sentence.
This is very powerfull because it has no slurs, polite, does jot compare you to something like a 8 years old insult and makes you think about for a moment. When the meaning sinks in you realize its power and it hurts.
Insults that compare you to something aren’t that powerful.
Insults that describe you, like this one, have a great impact.
There are 2 kinds of distributions. Ones that are on customization side and those on stability side.
For example Debian, Fedora, and arguably Arch are on stability side. They are intended for people that want things to work predictably and software to be packaged and shipped as the developer intended it. Customization or lack of it is up to the user.
Distributions like Manjaro, Zorin OS, Elementary OS, LMDE or even Linux XP are have a given goal to a particular customization. Either a set of tweaks, a particular look or even their own desktop environment or set of software they develop themselves.
This means that the first kind would have the most boring update, as they just ship new and correctly integrated software. While the second kind would provide very nice customisations or patching of their own to their environment.
I only read the titre to ne honnest. But anyways to use it privately for real is to use it without account.
You don’t create an account. And do not save coookiies for it. Only use a web browser. This would severy limit your usage as Instagram would constantly nag you to login and deteriorate your experience. But worth it. This is how I use it.
You don’t have to go to Instagram frequently but only when someone shares a link with you.
Does not make send but it is true though.
You can use a black theme. Look at gnome-look.org
You can also reverse engineer them to look how they make the theme blank and apply it to adwaita. This is not complicated as themes are mostly CSS.
Edit to add that you can chat with people from open deskttop (gnome look) to ask your question: https://chat.opendesktop.org/#/welcome