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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • This is me too. I have two of them bought and paid for and people just don’t get it: I went all in on this and you can just sell for 15% of purchase price, I still have mobility needs. More to the point my swasticar still has access to the best charging network on the market and even if I COULD just sell, it’s not cut and dry. It’s easy to shit on Tesla, but it’s still the best offering in the EV market for long range driving. And even if it was not, like fuck me I can’t time travel. Most people who flame have no idea what the actual hell they are talking about.

  • Seems to me like kind of a long pivot from

    Every single bit of progress was led by people doing more, by people standing up, by people applying pressure between election days.

    Why not just DO that?

    I don’t disagree that the shift in the Overton window is alarmingly far gone, that Dems are out of touch, or that the country is failing in real time. I disagree with the supercilious presentation of “political (in)action” by the people who ought to be easiest to motivate to go raise some hell.

    Instead of punching all the way right, you’re doing a big sad to your adjacent right in a huge lefty echo chamber. By letting perfect be the enemy of less worse we are only left with worse, and you still gotta live in it with us.

  • Then go do something, man.

    Sitting around and doing a “noble” nothing is not standing up or doing more. It’s doing EVEN LESS than voting. There is an absolutely real possibility that if everybody stays home it doesn’t shift D left, it just results in nothing besides Republican control.

    In that case though you wouldn’t have to worry about voting for palestinian genocide, because it would be over and done with. You could be not voting for climate denial or not voting for something else, posting on Lemmy about how righteous you are, and bottling your own farts to sniff later.

    I’m walking, stumping, and repping local elections and voting as far left as I can everywhere else. There is no far far left activity/activism you’re touting anywhere to be seen. What value do you add?