Even worse, it’s an hour or two past midnight on new years eve and my social battery is flat, but the guests aren’t leaving. Yawning and checking my wrist watch doesn’t help. Cleaning the kitchen doesn’t help. What do?
Even worse, it’s an hour or two past midnight on new years eve and my social battery is flat, but the guests aren’t leaving. Yawning and checking my wrist watch doesn’t help. Cleaning the kitchen doesn’t help. What do?
I suddenly feel so old.
Supposed to, yes. But with the inflation they substitute as human food as well.
I have no quarrel with that squarrel.
What do I need to roll to pass the failsaves?
I made love to many, many women, often outdoors, in the mud and the rain, and it’s possible a man slipped in. There would be no way of knowing.
People who commit archery.
Hey, poison has it’s uses too, unlike Teams.
Just head down to my local bar, there’s plenty of them.
This is the story of a Johnny Rotten.
Roland was a warrior. From the Land of the Midnight Sun. With a Thompson Gun for hire. Fighting to be done.
Eleanor (spelled “Ellinor” here) has definitely made its comeback already, we considered it if we got a girl (got a boy instead) and have since met multiple Ellinors in his age group.
A music app like Spotify founded by Jay-Z
Really? That’s not how I remembered it, I just thought he bought the existing service Wimp and rebranded it. Kudos to Jay-Z if he actually made a music streaming app though.
My unpopular opinion is that I absolutely hate this phrase. Also, “not gonna lie”, yuck.
I’m weak for “it’s a Dutch paradox”.
Interesting, how would that work if your corporate IT department uses an (Azure/Entra) active directory system? Can you use a bare metal Linux OS on a Microsoft-based domain service? Asking out of ignorance and curiosity.
As an engineer, all my jobs so far have used niche internal corporate software which would only be available for Windows. This would be Document Management Systems (DMS’s), internal reporting tools (progress and hour keeping), software distribution programs etc.
And of course the engineering tools themselves are often only built for Windows, whether it’s proprietary PLC programming environments or CAD software.
That said, I can run both WSL and a corporate-approved Debian VM on the same work laptop as a compromise, for whatever makes sense for the task. Still sucks though! At home I’m a Debian fanboy 4 lyfe.
I have never ever seen a baby pigeon. Not even a picture. Where are they hiding them?!