You know how you make me watch your show? Put Walton Goggins in it!
You know how you make me watch your show? Put Walton Goggins in it!
I don’t know if I’ve fucked up or if someone’s fucked up, but something is fucked up.
That’s when you’re supposed to go throw them in the river.
Find something else to do and focus all that energy on that thing, you’ll start to procrastinate and that’s when you start coding.
I absolutely love it, it’s the perfect show in my opinion, I’m so glad I stumbled across it.
I was sold on it by the first episode entirely because of Oscar, he kills me with every line.
This is why we need to fund the arts with high quality drugs.
I have found and become a big fan of tv shows that I would have never had the chance to see because of piracy, one of my favourite shows ‘Corner Gas’ never once aired in my home country. Thank you piracy for helping me find good entertainment.
I put it back!
Jeez, you eat the sun once every so often and everyone loses their minds!
I can hate more than one thing at a time!
My mate sent me a link to a twitter post that had the link and for a moment I legit thought he sent me a porn link by accident.
Yeah, learning windows 3.1, a pirated version given to me by my grandpa, I used to sit there watching him make pirate copies of games using this slow AF floppy disk copying software.
I remember when I was a toddler and my parents had one of those.
I feel so fucking old right now.
Buy the cheap house away from people, only use short sentences when talking to people when you have to venture into town, make and sell hand crafted wood statues of what you see out your window, build an underground bunker full of state of the art spy technology to monitor the town you live in, create a secret Cabal of other people monitoring their towns, slowly take over your country by blackmailing everyone you can, make it a federal crime to even look at your property, retire and enjoy the privacy.
Yeah anything that throws it back on them is what you need, “why’s that?” is my go-to, just never give a definitive answer to their first question, it’s always a trap.
With permission this time tho, right?
It’s kind of a shitposting community for people who are interested in history and war, they’re an alright group of people tho (there are way worse communities on here) and most their stuff makes me laugh.
They’re just history nerds having fun.
If you had a basement that lead up to that drain you could put some mesh angled down, busy a hole into the the drain from your basement and if some stranger tries to grab your keys you can drop them inside.
Pro Tip: when someone asks you an open question like this, always reply with “why’s that?” It forces them to either tell you what they want or bail on it, either way you get time to come up with something to get out of it.
You don’t have to snort them all, there’s other places to absorb energy drinks.