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Pod Save the World
Crime in Sports
Last Podcast on the Left
Pod Save the World
Crime in Sports
Depending on who it is, I either ask them how they’ve been, apologize for who I was back then, or turn 360° and moonwalk out of there
I was late to the cell phone game and never got a “nice” dumb phone. I had a crappy TracFone. Reception was okay. Texting was torture. Bought an HTC Droid around 2010-2011 and never looked back.
Sometimes it is, but that’s part of why it’s so valuable.
Face scrubber. I was given a small crocheted dish scrubber - sort of like these - made from very soft tulle. It’s too soft to be effective on dishes, but it works perfectly on my face.
Unsurprising. $78k/yr comes out to $2194/mo take home pay per Smartasset’s calculator. Average rent is well over $1k/mo with no signs of going down any time soon. Landlords frequently demand potential renters have an income of 3x the rent. Gotta live somewhere.
Apparently I’m stupid but I’m too tired to fix it rn so I will just leave my shame up here for all to see. My point is being alive is expensive and bad math or no I’m still not surprised to see this.
Edit again because I’m also too stupid to do a strikethrough correctly even with a formatting bar right there. FML and F this phone too, I’m going to bed
I use it at home. I buy the no-salt version of everything whenever possible and then add salt as needed when cooking. My system doesn’t do so great with processed food, so 90% of what I eat is home cooked.