Finally the voice of reason. And until then I got an extra cool Grandpa figure in my life to tell me goofy stories.
Finally the voice of reason. And until then I got an extra cool Grandpa figure in my life to tell me goofy stories.
This comment feels more sensationalized than the actual headline linked.
This is a terrible idea. Very easy to circumvent, doesn’t actually help the training sources.
They are not that fast. At least none that I’ve seen. I’d say they go like 10mph tops.
Quadcopters would be more efficient financially and more reliable. Probably faster too.
I agree 100%. I’m as left as probably most people here, but I just don’t understand why the first course of action is to claw the opps eyes out.
There’s libraries like wl-roots that make it a lot easier, no?
It’s interesting that the threat model also includes participants. They take into account that when a user leaves, it should be impossible for them to continue listening.
What the actual fuck are you talking about? We are talking about a young woman getting harassed
I don’t think it’s Spotify. Spotify already gets their cut, they have no reason to put out “fake music”. This is a very well known “passive income” scheme. It’s obviously real people doing it
I personally use nomachine, and tailscale for VPN access. Genuinely no complaints, it kinda “just works”.
Bro you gotta learn how to use paragraphs
I enjoy NoMachine a lot. Super low latency, and quite reliable, but not really for gaming.
I should have skipped clicking this one.
Vsts are a bit of a gamble. Serum’s UI is bit buggy, and Massive works flawlessly. I don’t really have many vsts to test though. Idk what loopcloud is.
Fl studio already works fine for me through wine
My university just finished replacing one of the on campus convenience stores with a “just walk out” thing. The experience just felt kinda weird overall.
You should do it anyway.
Really sticking it to the man.
I used the pins on an Arduino to pop my sim tray because I didn’t have any paper clips near me. There are a lot of things you could use.
Assuming you’re talking about this?