Basically the moral of the story is that Spotify should have followed in their footsteps and become their own record company.
Basically the moral of the story is that Spotify should have followed in their footsteps and become their own record company.
I think the second season was the peak and the third was also good. Honestly the first season to me out of the three was the weakest as it dealt way too much with the love triangle.
I enjoyed Man In the High Castle but have heard the finale is horrible. Plot against America is also great.
Coke Zero hits the spot for me
Yeah solely is a bit of a hyperbole but definitely significant .
I wouldn’t be surprised if the MAGA Reps are willngly trying to shut down the government solely to shut down Ukraine’s defenses in Russia’s invasion of their country. The fact that they’re acting so pissy about this lends credence to that theory.
So no more MFI badges on accessories?
I still haven’t finished it . Didn’t like the direction and then they butchered Andy’s character and growth. I did watch the finale which i loved.
Arrival I think would be a great choice.
Not controversial at all. That trailer was brilliant and it was also right before Dark Knight (or was it DKR) which got me even more excited after experiencing it.
Mind you I still enjoyed the movie (though way more after watching the directors cut).
Oh man this is definitely high up on the list and that’s from someone who does still enjoy his movies.
His watchmen trailer is still one of my favorites: https://youtu.be/wdiHDzT6YbQ?si=CKcY4fqFnDLGuHzO
Also loved his man of steel trailers
For me it has to be all the trailers for the first Suicide Squad. So well executed and somehow stole the show away from the equally as promising Batman Vs Superman. That Comic Con was probably the most optimistic DC’s future looked in the past decade.
My fun little canon is that the actual movie doesn’t exist and the trailers are a very stylized prologue to James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad. It gives backstory to some of the main characters (Flagg, Harley, Waller) and their motivations while also teasing characters who may or may not show up in potential sequels
Our aversion to nuclear energy PR wise has been a disaster. It’s very difficult for the general public to fully buy into nuclear power with all the misinformation spread about it. Hope we start to slowly veer back towards it.
Yeah I definitely agree with this one (but there’s definitely arguments both ways so nice for interpretation). I really enjoyed how May was basically Peter Parker’s (wo)man in the chair in ITSV.
Actually I don’t think this was even a theory. This was the original intent but the studio thought it was too complex for the GA to understand.
Lol okay I’ve never heard of this one . Any links where it’s more in depth?
Oh not a fan of the JarJar one but the life force one is really intriguing. Would’ve been nice to show more hints of that in media such as Rebels, Kenobi, or the comics. Vader slowly forming doubt would also help with his decision to betray him in Jedi.
I just re-watched Signs yesterday after what could be over a decade ago. This time I went in with the perspective of the very popular fan-theory that the aliens were demons the entire time. It really enhanced the movie for me and helped me appreciate the Reverend’s story more. The main theme of the movie should be on his story of believing again after the passing of her wife. The illogical actions of what’s considered very advanced aliens detracted from that and the overall movie suffered from this criticism. The theory of them being demons helped to alleviate and even enhance the movie for me and I enjoyed it far more upon re-watch.
Just to be clear , I’m fairly sure Shyamalan’s intention wasn’t for them to be demons as there are a lot of inconsistencies for that to be true. But if you can look past those issues, the movie becomes far more enjoyable with its theme of faith.
Wasn’t this the plot of the mediocre Sicario sequel lol
I didn’t care much for the logo change as it’s not really a big deal. What got me to cancel was them adding ANOTHER tier for 4K and then said “no we didn’t have any fee hikes” yet they removed it from the existing plan.