it looks like reddit is going to be the best advertisement for lemmy
just like microsoft for linux
it looks like reddit is going to be the best advertisement for lemmy
just like microsoft for linux
what’s happening on Reddit?
this is unironically good advice lol
thanks! so that’s what causes it
I noticed that for some reason, when I pee I feel the tip of my toes getting hotter
I have no idea what causes it
I believe everyone is ready to hear anything, they might get angry but that’s just the nature of stupidity (since we’re on the internet I think I should specify that angry≠disagreeing and vice versa)
I don’t think your prompt makes much sense
people being angry at nuclear and wanting to go back to coal are the worst
I’m sad for what’s happening over in Germany
that reminds me of this “women of reddit, what’s the sexies sex you’ve ever sexed with an overweight gamer?”
oh, so you still believe in the moon?
holy prisoner dilemma!
absolutely true, libraries should get more funding, not more damages
it is possible if you get enough time to think of every word, you just need to to find synonims so you don’t write specific letters, often needing to switch both words/speech style
(it’s very difficult though, I’ve been writing this comment for 5 to 10 minutes)
I just don’t think it’s a good idea to take pills without asking a doctor, I’m not a medical professional
in case anyone else was wondering after looking at this meme, I don’t think roblox has actually died, their website is the same as always
I have no idea why you are getting downvoted
shooting the messenger isn’t that useful
unfortunately everyone has a different favourite color, so the experiment and peer reviewing has to be repeated for every individual
a color is better than another only based on personal preference
ok, here’s the experimental process
everyday you choose a color from a continous spectrum, then these color will be similar but not exactly the same everytime, the real favourite color is somewhere in the middle
the next step is to choose which color is better than the other by starting at the average color, and then performing gradual descent on the RGB color space until you reach the local maxima, which is also probably the global maxima thanks to the first step
now I need someone to review this
sudo pacman -S quack
this isn’t at all what this example depicts, here there is actual information transfer.
this depiction is actually just false, the light would send information faster than the stick, because in the stick information only travels as fast as speed of sound in the stick, which is why completely rigid objects don’t exist