Had to do the same thing on connect with all her messages. Wouldn’t let me delete them either. Very strange that it’s a bug that affects multiple clients.
Had to do the same thing on connect with all her messages. Wouldn’t let me delete them either. Very strange that it’s a bug that affects multiple clients.
These are a little more than character defects… theres lots of historical figures who didn’t rape and murder.
Field Marshal Mathers got promoted to Ellen Da Generalissimo.
Deftly Obfuscating Grotesque Exploitation
Theres a difference between nsfw memes and joke/shitpost content, and straight up porn though. Thats why i just have different accounts for different purposes, and on my main block porn as it comes up.
Use some reading comprehension. I think they still teach that in US schools, though maybe not for much longer.
That post was a hypothetical comment about if the US became an invading force in Canada. It wasnt about ‘ordinary citizens who want to burn it to the ground’. If you care so much maybe go out and do something about what your government is doing.
Fuck off Nazis cum
Does leaded gasoline react differently? Honestly just curious even though i doubt enough leaded gas exists in my part of the world to make the question anything more than purely academic.
I remember my buddy getting a whole bunch of viewsonic CRTs from his dad who worked at a professional animation studio. They could do up to 2048×1536 and they looked amazing, but were heavy as fuck for lan parties lol. I loved that monitor though, when i finally ‘upgraded’ to an lcd screen it felt like a downgrade in alot of ways except desk real estate.
Yeah i scrolled through the hundred or so pages of flowery nonsense youve posted in just the last day too, until my thimbs got tired. Flooding the space with low effort regurgitated AI slop is maybe not the meaningful contribution of “substance” that you think it is.
Lmao okay yeah, nice ideas chatGPT. Im sure that ‘prompt engineering’ is real tough work.
Edit* also i didnt downvote you, i don’t see that as productive and i dont disagree with the content of most of your comments. Youre not gonna convince me you weren’t using AI though.
This guy goes around posting annoyingly formatted AI summaries of everything, its actually getting pretty annoying.
Nothing makes you appreciate shakespeares writing like seeing someone try to imitate shakespeares writing.
Theres like 30, i see news about it on every other post.
How would someone even know you’re ‘praying’ in public ynless youre making a spectacle about it? Thats what people dont want in the streets, large public demonstrations that seek to suck in and take advantage of vulnerable people. People know they can go to any of hundreds of churches or religious institutions if they want that sort of thing, but accosting strangers in public with your religion is not appropriate. You wanna sit on a park bench with yojr eyes closed and talk to god in your head, no one is going to stop you though.
I cant speak for everyone but for me it depends on the day which one itll be.
The Sopranos ran from 1999-2007. The Wire was 2002-2008. Its always sunny in philadelphia started in 2005. Curb your enthusiasm started in 2000. Scrubs started 2001. So its not even just that two of the most critically acclaimed shows of all time were made in that time period, but some of the most groundbreaking and influential comedy shows also. If you think breaking bad was some sort of turning point for TV you missed a lot of history.
How many kids have given themselves alcohol poisoning their first few times drinking because they didn’t understand the proper dosage? Thats a much more serious and significant problem, but nobodys suggesting alcohol should only be available in individual serving airline bottles.