You can login with firefox and have the same setup anywhere as well. it’s really convenient to share tabs between mobile and workstation
You can login with firefox and have the same setup anywhere as well. it’s really convenient to share tabs between mobile and workstation
Yes, eggs are very good nutritionwise. But deseases like mentioned in the post (those greedy company owners) should steer people away from it. Somehow it doesn’t and people keep buying it.
I’d prefer oats + (soy) yoghurt (skyr) + fruits
Dietary restriction? What disease mandates eating eggs?
Empathy for people for eating expensive eggs? Usually people want empathy for the animals because eating them is cruel.
Mostly fennec (firefox) on android but there are concerning news every half year about firefox. No idea how long I can withstand.
Vanadium is my alternative but it has no (good) browser tab overview (list instead of huge squares). And bottom navigation is sub par as well. Brave would be better in that regard but vanadium is rock solid.
As soon as firefox drops ublock, I’m out. For me, that day is still far away, but I guess it’s inevitable. You can’t trust firefox not chaning their path anymore. :'( .
Who is forced to pay it? Eggs aren’t irreplacable
People have to understand that if the price is too high, they can just not buy it.
It is as simple as that. As long as you buy, it is not too expensive. Just stop eating eggs.
All distros are fine.
You mentioned gaming. Hence, go for bazzite.
Since OP is sharing it, op should back it up, not you
What are you looking for?
Actually, what OP is referring to should be called GNU/Linux. Here’s a link to do some more research
Is apple free? No? Then it’s either violating the GNU license or it is not based on it
I’d virtualize windows. For me, it’s way more important to have a good host
It looks really good but I wonder if it is as efficient as niri or paperwm
Apple does not allow other competing security and privacy features. If apple was opening up, the gov couldn’t do anything in the first place
If your government wants to look, we want to look as well
The difference between distros are the package manager and choice of default software and settings.
E.g. Debian has no wifi enabled. Hence, ubuntu (which is like debian) is much easier because it’s user friendly. Ubuntu uses a disliked packaging format, snap, which is not used by mint. That’s why people love mint, becaus it’s as easy as ubuntu and has no snaps. Blablabla
Whenever you want to know some linux thing, read the arch wiki and you’ll know more about it.
Distrobox is like a vm, you spin up a distro within your OS with no overhead and can use arch on debian. Or ubuntu on arch. Or fedora on opensuse, or all at the same time because why not?
I’d try or and install most apps as flatpaks. Vanilla is like ubuntu but you don’t mess with the underlying system. Atomic fedora is “the same” but with fedora style. Problems arise at the dev level, not the user level. It should be good to go on your system
Mint vs fedora is completely irrelevant here. GNOME vs KDE is more important and fedora supports both.
Which packages can be installed is also completely irrelevant since you can use nix and distrobox and flatpaks on all distros. Package availability is no reason to choose one distro over another.
It makes me sad that you had to spend so much time with this topic. But thank you for publishing it ❤️