My brother in christ, who are you responding to?
Just passin’ through
My brother in christ, who are you responding to?
So you were in the position of those kids back in the day, except i take it there was significantly less sex, steeze, and roller blading
As someone studying cybersecurity right now and hoping to pivot into red teaming, i would like to inform you that it’s since attained cult status. It’s so horribly bad that it’s actually good. The best way I’ve heard it described is that that movie is what a hacker (at the time) wished hacking was like. If i could really tap a few buttons and just say “I’m in” or hack the FBI just to fuck with random special agents, believe me I would.
How up to date are your graphics drivers/backend?
Sprinkle cat litter after you shovel and salt, it’ll provide traction and prevent ice from reforming. You can get one good and warm set of winter clothes, or you can do a fuckton of layers. The former is simpler but can leave you with less flexibility and will probably be more expensive than wearing 3-5 layers of clothes you probably already own. If you don’t have them, long johns/thermal pants are a godsend. Gloves and a hat that covers the ears are also godsends, but if you’re willing to tough it out (and maybe lose a few extremities) you can do without them as eventually you’ll stop feeling the sting. Tuck your shirt and/or jacket into your pants, this will trap heat. Tuck your gloves into your coat or vice versa. Get good boots, i cannot stress this enough. It is not fun or a good idea dealing with snow in sneakers.
Yeah that’s insanely wasteful
Have you made the effort and forced yourself to test your own assumptions?
Someone linked a story that didn’t have an image (didn’t watch the video) so this may not actually be fake
None of these are unique by any means (i wish the second was but fascism is rising globally).
The styles of it tho, I’ll give you that.
If he wins you resist. If he doesn’t win you resist. Either way America is headed down the road Trump wants to take us down. The only real difference is whether it’s sooner or later, which is a big difference but it’s an even bigger difference to the next generation. We live under an oppressive and tyrannical system aimed only at extracting as much of life’s beauty and enjoyment from people as possible in the form of capital. The only ethical thing to do is fight and resist. To stand against the tyranny. To build our communities and to build up each other so we can resist. To teach and learn so we all know that we must resist.
The Palestinian Genocide is obviously a controversial topic right now, but the Palestinian people are telling us and showing us what we need to see, hear, and know: fascism is here and it will take us all. We must resist and fight until either our bones are ground to dust under their feet, or until we are liberated. The term “intifada” has been politicized but all it means is struggle. Because while their land is occupied, while their lives are lost, while the joy of life is stolen from them, they must struggle. Struggle is just.
So while they take our rights, while they steal our joy of life, while they continue to trample us expecting nothing, we must struggle. Because while our struggle is not the same as the Palestinian struggle, when we resist together we can hope to lift each other up. That is the point of the global intifada. Together we stand taller and stronger. Together we can protect and help each other unlike the system at hand. Resistance is just.
So resist, struggle, and fight. Learn new skills,acquire resources, and build the means to survive so that when they come to take what they want, you can stand resilient. Build mutual aid networks and strong communities so that when they come to take what they want, you can stand together. Arm yourself and train your body and mind so when they come to take what they want, you can stand strong. And fight so that when they come to take what they want, they know that they cannot come again. Resist, struggle, and fight.
We will never see freedom and equality as we dream of, but our children might. The people of Palestine, of Sudan, of the Congo, of Haiti may not see the brighter future they are fighting and struggling for, but they will continue to do so so that their children can. We must continue to do so so that all our children can. Our plights are not equal, but in resisting this tyranny we can hope to bring about change for all of us. That is the global intifada.
Sorry if this was a bit unhinged I’m having a little bit of trouble putting what i want to say into a coherent message. I also hope nobody is seeing this and thinking that I’m equating the struggles in the US to all these other places. Just that when people resist, anywhere and everywhere, we can hope to break our chains and the chains of our fellow humans.
I actually think thats ideal. None of us could function in a proper utopia. We could not live in Star Trek. We have been far too corrupted by society, capitalism, and bigotry to ever properly function in such a society. Some could adapt better than others, but at the end of the day we’d be antithetical to such an advanced society. As such, we should prepare the world to transition towards such a society with the knowledge that it will be our grandchildren who truly bear the fruits of our work. A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they will never sit under.
My brother in Christ, im sorry to inform you but the upcoming fiscal crisis are gonna be some of the least of your kids worries. I’m still probably closer in age to you rather than them, but i grew up knowing that money is gonna mean jack shit once the water starts boiling (metaphorically, but hyperbolically realistic). We’re the frogs in the pot and the economy is gonna be the least of our troubles. We’re seeing a global rise in fascism, climate disasters, war, inequity, and yes financial instability. If you wanna help your kids, get involved in the community and organize. Start unions at your work places and march in protests for a better future. I’m not talking about a stronger or more fashy future, but one where we work together. Join or make mutual aid networks where you live. The best thing you can do for your children (imo, coming from a young person) is help set up the future you want for them. I would hope that’s one of community and mutual aid where we help each other not because we expect a reward or are paid to, but because together we stand taller and can hoist up those who cannot stand on their own. I hope i don’t sound too preachy, but it sounds like you love your kids so I implore you to get involved further. The future did not look kind to me when I was a child, and it looks even less hospitable now. We can change that. Direct action and mutual aid are the way forward to a better future imo.
I believe we can make security mutual aid. Everyone in the community has a role to play in the security and safety of the community. When we work together we can prevent a lot of issues
I disagree that economic growth is a prerequisite for political freedom. I think that type of thinking has been perpetuated by capitalists to keep capital flowing. Communes and mutual aid don’t have great or any economic growth but can allow for political freedoms that we don’t even have now.
hey, amab masc nb person here, i appreciated your write up, thought it was interesting, and cared.
I would actually love a portal miniseries like this
I mean i definitely do in a sense of the word
dude i was just reposting a picture. I haven’t read enough about huey p newton, although i am aware of his work, to comment on what he means specifically. i don’t want to dissuade you from learning but there are communities better suited for this. im not really in a state rn to educate you on this, not that it’s wrong that you’re asking these questions and trying to learn.
to any other leftists/progressives reading this, yes i do try to take the time to educate people and have a conversation, but this is a shitpost im not tryna get into it here lmao. we all need our breaks