I don’t think this will happen: Their department of defense has adopted Signal for internal communication, and there is no way in hell they would want a backdoor built in. In fact, the article says they have already opposed the suggestion.
I don’t think this will happen: Their department of defense has adopted Signal for internal communication, and there is no way in hell they would want a backdoor built in. In fact, the article says they have already opposed the suggestion.
Speaking of which, here is a helpful manual.
My favorite strategy in this manual is taking a middle management position and making sure everyone is working as inefficiently as possible. Probably also among the ones most relevant to the current situation!
Get out of here with those propaganda techniques, please
Well, I’m sure the exposure from going to the shooting range is a lot smaller than this, but lead poisoning from leaded gasoline apparently had a measurable impact on IQ levels.
I 100 percent agree that the big problem of the educational system, though! It is also interesting how self-fulfilling the adversity to government has been: it has made it so easy for men with bad intentions to tear down an at least functional democracy by promising to “fix” it.
Suspected as much!
The term is «affordance»
They might not be a native English speaker. In my language (Norwegian), the word for “billion” is “milliard”. I think that’s also the case in German.
Everyone must submit to the CSS box model!
Yes, I saw that. But it is obviously meant to be an analogy for how Facebook is a website famously made in America by an American.
Ah, yes! The 3 billion Americans on Facebook!
And why would you make that assumption? The internet has no borders, so it doesn’t really matter where or by whom something is made. Especially if the language is English, which has somewhere between 1.5 and 2 billion speakers worldwide.
With the increasing abundance of electric vehicles people are getting used to (k)Wh as the unit for battery size. It would make sense to use the same unit for smaller electronics as well, IMO.
I don’t disagree with your point about ergonomics, but I just wanted to point out that feet can have pretty different shapes. My feet look very different than yours, with the three first toes nearly the same length. I’d probably be miserable in the shoes in your picture.