“just” setting that up takes much longer than installing a small app to do it.
Or gnome disks, which also adds an “open with ‘write to drive’” option to isos and images
dd status=progress
can also tell you how far along the operation is.
A sex doll is almost the definition of “weird about sex”
I believe this one is called the ‘Tom Scott’
Yeah okay, but I didn’t see that it was in a shit posting community because I was scrolling through ALL, and others seemingly didn’t either.
You don’t see that on real shot either
Very clever. It’s the land mass, just like Eurasia.
You can also buy packs of 15 (and 6), so thirds are possible :)
The brightness is too bright, not the color. The brightness is always a choice by the manufacturer they could easily make it dimmer using the exact same components.
Knowledge has benefits, that’s pretty much always true. But it’s not good to require everybody else learn a different system just because one single country feels too important to switch from their homebrew system like everybody did. It reeks of arrogance instead.
Woodworkers don’t traditionally cut boards to 1 inch or 2 inches thick; they’re rough sawn to that thickness and then dried and milled to 3/4" or 1 1/2". Which are 1/16th or 1/8th of a foot, and both are divisible by 2 and 3 and expressed in a power-of-two fraction. a third of 3/4" is 1/4".
Okay but then that third is more of a lucky coincidence than a function of the measurement system. That’s like saying millimeters are good for woodworking because boards are traditionally milled to, say 18mm (incidentally almost equal to ¾") and you can divide that by 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9.
And I’d argue, dealing with fractions is still fundamentally harder. They number sometimes are or aren’t convenient independent of the system used.
Okay I’ll bite. How do you take a third of an inch, and how is it better than in millimeters?
Yeah, fractions of 10 that is.
It does if you know German, at least to me.
More than 50% of Windows users have trouble entering my front door during a state I call unlocked
. Unfortunately that isn’t a joke, but there are extenuating circumstances.
The UI looks exactly the same as it did 10 years ago. Using single window mode was always an option and only two clicks away
You can’t scan things that aren’t lieing flat on scanner.
Is it not tested regularly?