I’m a pilot on Lemmy! But I’m pretty sure I’m not facing jail time right now.
I’m a pilot on Lemmy! But I’m pretty sure I’m not facing jail time right now.
Thanks for the response! Definitely fair that the OP had the assumption of America-centric or at least credit card specific.
As to the scam, the unfortunate reality is that the price is already higher to account for fees, and it makes no difference if you pay cash or card. So Americans have the choice to either pay cash or pay card with cash back, even if the price is the same. Also there are better protections in the states for credit card purchases than debit card purchases, so there’s an advantage there as well.
I’m curious about what you mean by credit card scam, in this context. Care to elaborate?
I also self host FreshRSS. Was super easy to setup. I don’t expose it, so when away from home I use wire guard to connect to my home network.
I think movie is the wrong medium for most of the Cosmere. Too short form. Mini series or anime-style might be better?
Beyond my normal use case, I still think there are some Internet things that are “big screen” tasks. Too many websites still have poorly optimized mobile interferfaces.
In these cases, though, access to abortion means less suffering, both for the fetus/child and the mother.
It’s often covered under obscenity and sex offender laws, though.
Yeah, obviously it’s not the point, but I would love a ban on car data collection instead.
If you’re navy captain lezbian I sure hope major is not in your future. Cheers to future admiralty!
Is it really that shocking that a woman wouldn’t want to be called girl or child? Sure, boy is still used. But in your post you used man, not boy. I’d say an easy rule is if you’d use the word man in a sentence, don’t use the word girl.
You forgot Vaporeon.
The implementation is usually the issue. If white people/wealthy don’t need to show documentation, for instance. Or they only check areas that are known democrat (or known Republican). And, at the end of the day, many people can’t necessarily prove it, and the government does not guarantee free/quick access to citizenship documents, so it disproportionately affects poorer people.
Imagine if they changed this law 2 weeks before an election, and your birth certificate is in Clark county Texas while you live in Florida. It is a very easy way to disenfranchise voters and skew election results.
Eta: there’s also no robust evidence that there is almost any voter fraud, much less wide spread. Especially around citizenship. Why risk deportation/prison to vote? So this probably won’t solve a problem that doesn’t exist, and will create “unintended” consequences for legitimate voters.
Just wait till December and you’ll have Stormlight Book 5!
Ships absolutely practice turning everything off.
Except when you’re walking on a road, you should walk on the opposite side of vehicle traffic.
Ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen/paracetamol (Tylenol). Take max dosage but alternate them. Read the bottle and don’t quote me, but it’s something like 800mg ibuprofen every 8 hours and 1000mg of paracetamol every 6. So take ibuprofen, 3-4 hours later take paracetamol, then back and forth. Do not exceed 2400/4000 or whatever your bottle says.
That’s the method I was taught to get the most/longest pain relief with OTC.
I hate the smell of raw brown sugar. I like it in foods, and it’s fine cooked, but the raw smell makes me gag.
I also legitimately loved this movie. Wonderful balance of satire and comedy.