A decade ago Tom Scott was recorded for Computerphile with this hilarious an enlightening cautionary tale. Never, ever, write your own calendar code.
A decade ago Tom Scott was recorded for Computerphile with this hilarious an enlightening cautionary tale. Never, ever, write your own calendar code.
but it sounds pretty…solid to me.
I see what you did there. I, for one, think it’s a rock solid pun that most will take for granite.
That layer will also include, worldwide, levels of radioisotopes that do not occur naturally. The same way that there is an Iridium layer on the soils of 65MYA showing the asteroids that killed the dinosaurs, the current sediments being laid down have traces of plutonium and other materials that will exist until the sun becomes a red giant and swallow the Earth.
What most people fail to realize, though, is that if you used time stop to sleep you would certainly have more productive hours “awake” – but at the cost of reducing your remaining life span in the time-wise world by one third. You’d still be aging while you sleep.
And I’ve already seen comments that it’s not available in the official Reddit app. Shocking (/s if that wasn’t obvious.)
Darknet Diaries.
And in the pilot of Firefly, during the Battle of Serenity Valley, the cannon that Malcolm Reynolds briefly mans bears a Weyland-Yutani logo.
Predator, Aliens, Blade Runner, and Firefly are all in the same Universe.
It’s the budget for the earthbound scientists who will be handling the geology side of the mission. The astronauts can’t know everything – this is their expert ground team for one part of the mission.
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