Also, he ended up with a bullet in the head. 😶
“We don’t know if he’s going to make it in the next 24 hours," Matthew Malinowski told NBC News by phone in his first public comments. “He was shot in the head.”
Also, he ended up with a bullet in the head. 😶
“We don’t know if he’s going to make it in the next 24 hours," Matthew Malinowski told NBC News by phone in his first public comments. “He was shot in the head.”
And that’s when everyone else goes… “to the moooooon!” 🐄🚀🌛
I’m almost afraid to ask but, you have first hand experience with ‘deep lacerations from being tied up with rope’?
Way to go people of NASA! 🙌🏼 🍾
Keep defending the truth!
You just don’t have the login to it.
That was really cool!
Thanks for sharing.
I read the article and I have no idea what you are referring to. I think the author layed out their reasoning pretty…
Oh wait. You didn’t put the /s at the end, but it was implied?
Is it woosh over my head, or you not making sense? (no offense)
And might have been timed to be in the news cycle at this exact (ish) point in time during this presidential election year. 🤔
Or not… 🤷
In the case the court rejected without comment, the Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an order granting transgender boys access to the boys’ bathroom.
So, meanwhile, transgender individuals win. At least that’s something. 👍🏻
With any luck, this will hold untill the rest of the nation follows suit.
Thank you for including those links. I especially liked this part of the conclusion:
So the transformation from capitalism to socialism requires political action by the working class, in order that it can establish structures necessary for the transition to socialism. Just as the merchant class during feudalism could discern its long-range interests in the full realization of factory production, the working class must discern its interest in the full emancipatory implications of automated industry. And just as the merchant class became a revolutionary bourgeoisie, the working class must become a revolutionary class that acts politically to establish a new type of society on a foundation of automated industry.
If anyone is curious, it’s a short read and a good overview.
Lol. You can even see a little tail sticking out on the left. 😁
Anyway, congrats Japan! Hope the landing goes without a hitch.
This is what the last paragraph is referring to.
Edit: sorry, I meant to reply to OP, but “oh well”, is also my response then!
Something similar happened in Canada a few decades ago. I came across a survivor of that episode a few years ago. He was still mad about it (understandably).
Me too (😉) and I also appreciate the opportunity to learn to correct these little mistakes. I don’t know how long and in front of how many anglophones I’ve said “mooses” until someone finally pointed out that the plural of moose is moose! Lol 😂
(Please don’t hit me!)
Also late to the party, but I feel like Manmade (_ deserves a mention. Very comfortable and pleasant fabric. 👍🏻