Oh, I think that largely depends where you live. Some places it’s much cheaper than gas or electric to heat your home. If that’s how you were already heating your home some water on top is easy
Oh, I think that largely depends where you live. Some places it’s much cheaper than gas or electric to heat your home. If that’s how you were already heating your home some water on top is easy
Do you have a fireplace or a stove for heating anywhere? My family always used a pan of water on top of those in the winter
Ah the link up there, The Room
Oh man you’re in for a great time.
See if there’s a live showing of it near you. It’s kinda like Rocky Horror Picture Show? Cult classic, lots of audience interaction when shown live. It’s earnestly bad but that’s what makes it good
That’s a great list of places to go
And they were made inoperable in the laziest way possible. Like someone bumped a cabinet and ALL of them broke. Easy, no more time travel.
Fine enough for a kid’s book, but it tried to take itself WAY more seriously than that, just to continue to pick up and drop plot points and ideas constantly. I wouldn’t mind it if a fair few people didn’t hail it as if it’s a great work
You had me with LOTR for a sec 😂
I’m just gonna hop on to say that there is zero world building in Harry Potter. I know that’s because it was written for a youngish audience, but like the only things that are ever built on are used directly for the story in that book, then mostly left alone.
No one comes back years later with a Time Turner and wrecks havoc, for instance.
The few comparisons to Tolkien I’ve heard of her works are so unbelievably unfounded and off base.
Not to mention she’s a TERF
Oh shit I completely forgot about that. So dumb, absolutely love it
Interstellar. That ending was so unbelievably dumb that I can’t even stomach the rest of the movie thinking about it.
I know it’s got rave reviews, a stacked cast, Nolan directing. Plenty was pretty, cool concepts, high stakes scenes. But that ending… shudders
Surely that attachment is significantly stronger than the sidewall. Even if you tried I think you’d just split the sides along the spiral impression and couldn’t launch the top
They’re self rising Pillsbury biscuits (or similar). Not what Americans call cookies that Brits call biscuits
And yeah, they come in a tube. The plastic/papery wrap is structural to keeping the pressure on them. It’s pretty neat packaging design. This is the first I’ve heard of the little pop being considered scary though
I really want to be a very intelligent, low strength Orc Barbarian who is extremely fragile about feats of strength, showing off, etc. And embarrassed about being perceptive/intelligent
Ah, you’re absolutely right. Sorry about that. I didn’t realize that apple removed it in the US
Depending on the US carrier you could have a physical sim too! And e sim is possible on some EU carriers. But generally speaking that’s right
I’ll bite, what do you youtube about?
Emoticon :) has etymology stemming from emotion + icon. Tis from the 80s, early computer stuff
Emoji 😊 is japanese, from 絵文字 which is like, drawing + character, basically. It’s a word MUCH older than computing.
False cognates. Sound similar, similar function, nothing to do with each other.
Yeah, timing marks! There’s a few of them. So neat
Wow that is a hot take