nier automata on the deck, a friend gifted it to me for my birthday
nier automata on the deck, a friend gifted it to me for my birthday
with heroic launcher, it handles everything for you
Death Stranding on steam deck, the version I got for free on epic
think about all the resources currently spent on stopping people from using software
they don’t have to keep supporting, just not make it unavailable the best case would be if they made it open source, in that case other people could keep maintaining it, but would be against their profit incentives
thinking about photoshop CS2 for instance, they offered the download and some keys that would work on it
it used to be the case that when you weren’t able to enforce DRM on a piece of software anymore, you would offer it as a free download so people who bought it wouldn’t lose it
it’s gonna be someone nobody knew beforehand
with male being the only option for years in most games, i started choosing female characters to get a different experience nowadays it depends on the game, sometimes i like the female voice better, sometimes it’s about the romanceable characters and sometimes about the character design