Fascists lie.
No relation to the sports channel.
Fascists lie.
As a reminder, Eich was turfed from Mozilla for joining an anti-LGBT hate campaign (and thus alienating a whole lot of developers, sponsors, and users); and his So Brave browser pushed NFTs and stole money via referral fraud.
exploiting the fact that literacy among blacks was lower
That wasn’t the exploit. The exploit was twofold:
Levitating. Ballistic. Catastrophe. Incandescent. Shivering. Sultry. Sauté.
Congratulations … you’ve trained a generation of junior product managers.
First step: Find a country with a navy competent to defend your undersea cables.
If you don’t want to be treated the way Stalinists treat dissenters, don’t voluntarily put yourself in places where Stalinists set the rules.
Tankies are against good things, because good things make the world more pleasant, and if the world becomes more pleasant then the people are less likely to want to destroy it.
Call me basic, but Captain America has been beating up Nazis for a long time.
Case in point, Microsoft’s water use shot up from 6.4 million cubic meters in 2022 to 7.8 in 2023, in large part due to the “construction of more data centers.”
By way of comparison, the California almond industry uses 3.5 billion cubic meters of water per year. Describing datacenters as using “astronomical amounts of water” is a plain and simple lie.
Moreover, datacenters can be cooled with water that’s not suitable for most other uses. Google’s Finland datacenter is cooled with seawater, for example.
Zuckerberg has a moral defect. Evil is not a medical problem.
I trust my city government a hell of a lot more than I trust the incoming federal administration.
If it’s unified under the federal government, then an asshole president can mess with it.
If it’s distributed, with states and major cities having their own instances, then it’s more asshole-resistant.
Have you seen the elf care system in this country!?
There are 10,000-year-old arrowheads sold for that much or less. They’re not scarce or sacred or anything; they’re literally weapons that were made in mass quantities for warfare or hunting.
I think it’s pretty neat when people get to do stuff they like with other people who want to join them.
The unofficial sequel to Untitled Goose Game is Little Kitty, Big City.
Ideologically, Leninism supported vanguardism, a variation on Marxism that said that the Communist party was supposed to drag the early-20th-century proletariat into the revolution, instead of waiting for late capitalism where the proletariat would (according to Marx) naturally become revolutionary. This, and the notion of “false consciousness”, authorized Communist parties to go against the expressed (democratic) will of the proletariat, on the theory that the proletariat’s judgment was clouded by false consciousness, while still claiming to act in the interests of the proletariat.
Basically, “we (the party) know better than you (the people)” was ingrained into Leninism from the beginning, and the major communist revolutions either were or became Leninist. Maoism was a branch off of Leninism as well.
The 45 RPM adapter is this already, between generations.