starting in lemmy 0.19: (username in top right) > settings > Import/Export Settings > export
Then import on your new community and all of your subscriptions, settings, etc will be migrated over. Comments/posts won’t migrate over, but besides basic user settings followed_communities, saved_posts, saved_comments, blocked_communities, blocked_users, and blocked_instances get copied over. It’s not instantly after it loads. I just tested it and it’s taken about 5 minutes now and it’s still going through my subscriptions (maybe 50/360) and then blocked instances are next and it should be done.
Double checked and it’s done done now about 13 mintues after I made the comment. So maybe 20 minutes to impot a profile with a large number of subscriptions.
What standby mode does your laptop use? Classic S3 standby, or S0 standby like most modern laptops are forced into?