Oh in our company the CTO still has cloud resistance… But at the same time also feels comfortable sharing sensitive documents over Skype, Outlook and Teams…
Oh in our company the CTO still has cloud resistance… But at the same time also feels comfortable sharing sensitive documents over Skype, Outlook and Teams…
I mean we do, but blaming them doesn’t make Linux more viable for high end GPU applications.
I suspect it’s a case of they thought they were getting a good deal out of this when they signed the contract but didn’t realise how much Taylor was going to take the piss until it was too late. Likely when the contract expires it probably won’t be renewed.
And the command prompt uses the directory terminology anyway with the dir command.
I’d hate to live in a world where just because something isn’t immediately useful it shouldn’t be researched.
Being able to demonstrate the ability to suppress a sonic boom would be huge.
The main issue comes when the game is using proprietary stuff. Like I found getting Kingdom Hearts to run at all was a pain in the arse because of it using a proprietary codec for it’s cutscenes.
I also found Hand of Fate 2 had some weird rendering issues with certain graphics settings.
And if you want to do Ray tracing or HDR you’re currently out of luck.
Proton is revolutionary but it still isn’t a solution for every game. And that’s not even getting into the lack of support Nvidia gives to anything Linux.
Then you find out nobody needs you and you get depressed.
Firefox mobile used to have mobile add-ons but it was separate and naturally therefore more limited.
how we never got proper authorization
Why do I feel like this is a domestic abuse situation. Husband broke her laptop in order to reduce her attempts to communicate with others? She goes to get it repaired, he finds out.
I think it’s the belief that the wife can’t authorise the repair…
Would have been nice to have amended the headline to reflect the actual story.