Can i not bitch about how shit things have been? Or that these fixes shouldn’t even be necessary because they could have just not fucked it up in the first place?
I am Glitch Daracova, the breachforged cyberdragon, an immortal god to which age has no meaning. Fear me and despair. If you’re lost, consult my lore (hyperlink missing). My pronouns are Maj/Majs—short for ‘majestic,’ regal and divine, as in “Maj rules majs kingdom.”
Can i not bitch about how shit things have been? Or that these fixes shouldn’t even be necessary because they could have just not fucked it up in the first place?
Does nothing for existing cables.
Fiction has utterly failed to predict how stupid reality has become.
How many stories have we seen where a billionaire ceo becomes president? In fiction, they were always handsome, charming, highly intelligent, so on and so forth. Reality though, oooof.
If you’re looking for a label, I recommend not. Soon after you pick one, the definition for that label will change and no longer fit your ideology. This change might be due to your own understanding improving, or due to societal shifts, or both.
Write out your ideology in long form. People tend to support good ideas when not attached to politically charged labels.
As someone who kinda liked morrowind, and was disappointed with oblivion, skyrim just fell flat for me. The engine got better, but there just was less and less substance to it each game. Ignoring the content, just the base mechanics were stripped down to almost nothing.
I’ve got a friend who is experiencing oblivion for the first time after years and hundreds of hours of skyrim. They’re becoming increasingly upset at skyrim the more they learn about what was in oblivion but was removed.
I remember when you could buy a 2x4 for a buck. It wasn’t that many years ago.
The important part is that it is her choice to do so or not. My suggestion is just one possible solution that could be used by those who choose to do so. I’m not pretending that it’s the only solution, nor am I pretending that it’s even the best solution.
If a woman is committed to the idea, she could break the patrilineal naming convention simply by creating herself a new last name, and encouraging her children to take that name instead of their father’s.
in my friend group we have a guy we describe as “default {name}”, in order to differentiate him from the other {name}s in the group. He’s a cisgender heterosexual white christian male (a rarity among us). Mostly it’s a joke, because we all agree that being mildly offensive is kinda funny, but it’s also a commentary on society at large. If you’re online talking to people you know nothing about, it’s a safe assumption (christian less and less as the years go by though).
It is absolutely ok to not be “default settings”. You’re not doing anything wrong by not confirming to that standard. I didn’t decide what default is, I learned it by observing society.
The amount of effort for such imperceptible improvements is insane.
Also insane is how shit modern games run without multi thousand dollar hardware, even if you turn down settings, but then it also looks like ass in addition to running like shit.
is there an easy way to do this that doesn’t require me to understand how github works?
As a man who likes fedoras, this stereotype offends me. Sadly, it’s an accurate description most of th etime.
our fanatical obsession with convenience (and corporations exploiting that) is what created this mess.
Autopay is so expected now that many subscriptions simply don’t offer options to pay per month.
I used to pay for it, for the same reasons. They stopped taking my money, i don’t know why, and I noticed zero change in the quality of the service.
I’m paying for other google services, so I don’t know why youtube specifically stopped. Oh well.
it’s worth noting when the hate against NDT started and who was the most vocal about it.
Cosmos aired, and the christians flipped their shit. At the time, it was hilarious. Now it’s kinda sad.
reddit sucks but lemmy barely exists. I run out of things to scroll here really fast.
not a problem for people with nothing left to lose.
I’ve got the same complaint here. Firefox has a setting, but it’s kinda crap and is only in Firefox. I haven’t been able to find a solution that works system wide and isn’t horrible jank. I’m on mint with cinnamon, btw.
link is to a tom scott video about this game.