Same. I found I was missing out on local events so I made an old.reddit rss feed of my local subreddits and check them every couple days
Same. I found I was missing out on local events so I made an old.reddit rss feed of my local subreddits and check them every couple days
This is about Apple helping build tools for policing. Not about giving over its customers data to police.
Nah that’s what they’re saying. That people used to say that and they were proved wrong.
I’m a developer at the biggest one of these systems in America. It is stupid expensive. But we support full electronic patient communication. And most of our competitors do too. I’m sorry you’re stuck with one of the few who doesn’t have that option or are choosing not to use it.
Hopefully they come around in the next decade!
FHIR baby!
This entire “article” is just an ad for credible - affiliate links and all
I think y’all are talking about different things. Some sites (like google) have direct yubikey support where you plug the key into the device and what you’re talking about isn’t an issue
Other sites don’t have direct support, but allow you to use any authenticator app which is what you’re talking about with using the yubico authenticator app/key combination. Plugging it into a yubico authenticator app on any device will show the codes
Unfortunately I don’t have an answer for a way to protect those other accounts. I guess the hope is that if you lose it, it can’t be tied to your accounts, just the websites themselves
I’m still youngish (29) but there’s been a definite shift in new hires at our tech company. I know “everyone always complains about the young generation” anecdotally so I’ll give some concrete examples (I used to work with the internal reporting people so I’ve seen the data):
-5x+ increase on cheating in onboarding tests (not hr bs but like actual stuff for the job). Everyone’s cheating. And talking to people who were in school in the pandemic with virtual classes, everyone there was cheating too so if you didn’t cheat you were falling behind
-people coming in at 10 and leaving at 2. Our company had been around for 50+ years and has a generally laid back tech vibe where you get your work done and you’re good. It’s never been an issue. So many new hires this past year were doing it that we had to institute a mandatory 9-5 which really pissed off everyone else who was getting shit done
-customer feedback. Objective ratings of the support from newer hires is lower than we’ve ever had for the tenure cohort
Each of these backs up the anecdotal feeling we have that newer hires aren’t as independent or resilient. That being said, this is a generalization and the majority of them are doing good work. Just less than before
I probably wouldn’t trust any free reminder site with all my most important passwords
Do you have a friend or parent who can schedule an email from their account? If you don’t trust them with your passwords you could also just encrypt the whole thing first. I did something similar to this with screen limit settings while my girlfriend had the password, and it made me never want to access them badly enough to ask her.
One other thing that’s worked well for me - a kitchen safe timer. I lock up my phone in one at work and get so much more done. You could also theoretically lock your passwords in there too (from minutes to 10 days)
Anyway, congrats on procrastinating by exploring ways on not procrastinating
Next step after that - AI identifying you as you drive up, looking up your income and price tolerance values from their data broker and displaying the max price it thinks you will stomach
Super weird. Wonder what happened. Was it an active suspension or automatic via reports or something else
Her account is active rn
Ive been able to create two on grapheneOS when opening up play store in separate profiles and clicking create account on the log in screen
GrapheneOS allows you to turn off sensors (accelerometers) by app
Once it gets this bad there are only two ways out. Its pretty interesting cause in the 1800s both France and England were in similar debt to income ratio situations as we are now due to war spending but took different paths to fix it.
England tightened spending and had almost a century of lower economic growth to get back to near net zero debt right before WWI. Took a really long time. Was also helped out by explosive population growth, which isn’t really an option for us at this point.
France didn’t cut spending as much, and as a result had such massive inflation that the nominal value of the debt was close to like 1/100th of the initial value, bringing it to near zero as well. This also had the effect of wiping out any wealth not tied to physical assets. So like any family that was wrapped up in bonds lost everything. This is probably what’s gonna happen to us
On my second paid month. Still trying to decide if its worth it. Biggest plus is that its not jammed with sponsored ads and seo’d websites full of garbage matching the search keywords. Downside is that $5 a month just feels like a lot for something that you can almost get for free (outside of the sponsored stuff the results are pretty similar unless you turn up the small web setting)
I’m able to stay under 300 a month by using ff shortcuts to route simple repetitive searches (weather, sports scores, etc.) to ddg while sending the rest to kagi
Respectfully disagree. Unchecked this gives whoever has the loudest microphone power to claim whatever they want out of context and most people will never find out the truth until it doesn’t matter anymore.
“This person said something really bad - we can’t tell you what it was but believe us, it was really bad”
The tweet posted is not a good message to spread. But my gauge is whether I’d be ok with the other side having the ability to determine what is and isn’t ok to spread, and I would very much not like Republicans (via legislative or social pressure) to have the ability to dictate what messages are too dangerous to share
GLP-1s work by making unhealthy food feel more sickening, causing people to eat and drink less