May we one day find a home that isn’t inundated by extremism.
May we one day find a home that isn’t inundated by extremism.
Oh yeah, the conservative sub is ridiculous too…but it’s contained. The left shit is everywhere around here. It’s like oxygen.
Yeah, it’s just Reddit 2.0 over here now. A left-wing echo chamber.
I stick to tech and plants on here, and use it less than I thought I would.
“This is the reaction to the other side’s reaction. Now we push edgy again, and you guys get called 2018 dinosaurs.”
It was basically a conversation about the culture wars and political correctness on Reddit. I think of things in cycles. The Reddit Human Resources crew thought they’d be in power forever because they’re objectively “right.”
Not the case.
I don’t know why everyone wants Meta to stay in the “reality policing” business.
That’s one of the first things a dictator/fascist would go after. It inherently controls your reality.
I love early-morning Of Mice and Men references. This is great.
And anybody who thinks that Linus doesn’t look for those ways to break Linux is deluding themselves. He’s a fucking asshole.
Yeah. Trump has said that we’re taking in too many undesirables from other countries, and he’s bad for that.
And by the way? This is Trump’s point of view, and it’s hilarious to see it not called fascism just because it’s a person from another country.
Maybe that I went into a blue collar profession, but that I make such obscene money doing it.
You’re right, and the majority is wrong. Enjoy the next election. Don’t change a thing, you’re perfect how you are.
There you go not listening again, even to the point of saying what people are experiencing isn’t happening.
So let’s say it’s not happening. Why do so many people feel that way?
With all due respect, I live in the Midwest and run with some rather blue-collar people in a completely blue, large city.
Everyone feels as though the Democrats have stopped listening to them and have been yelling at them for the last 10 years.
And just the mere fact that you are probably going to have the knee jerk reaction and call me an ignorant bigot is part of the problem.
The Care Bear Stare got him.
I’d rather miss some content (or rewind if possible) than hear an ad.
Wow, dude. Get back to your echo chamber. You’re brittle and shrill outside of it.
Well, my ISP doesn’t need to know anything about my posts. And the fediverse doesn’t need to know who I am beyond “growingentropy,” so…
Did you just do the “if you don’t have anything to hide, what’s the big deal” move?
I want privacy. That’s all.
No idea. I installed a VPN on my router to get privacy. That’s all I ask.
Wow. Sweet tantrum. Hope it pays dividends. I’ve seen enough, Lemmy. G’bye.