Gifted Autistic Sysadmin, Anti-Corporate activist

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  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023

  • See! I fully agree on the social aspects of your ideals. I would like to give my opinion on your points. Please read them as ideas, not a form of diminishing your thoughts.

    Yeah we all have to work (or contribute to society by our possible means) that’s a given I think.

    Actually, i dont think we do. We produce a lot more than we need (food for 10 billion people) and a lot of crap that only fuels consumerism. Not saying there is an alternative yet but maybe we can agree on “some people definitely need to work for us to survive and thrive.”

    No ultra rich people

    Fully agree

    (but you need to dream, so no communist pay either).

    But do we? Or is it just a concept we use to keep the current situation going? Would we not dream if we just had the same?

    UBI that covers basic food & housing. Art and science as the goal of society (after taking care of everyone).

    100% agree

    The problem is what to do with all egomaniacs, is there enough benevolent people or will nobody become a dentist if you don’t need to work (that much)?

    would you rather do an easier job that one you have passion and skills for if they were paid the same? I agree that moving trash or working in the sewers should potentially be paid extra. I think currently, education being expensive, doctors are kept scarce. Make it free and watch.

    I mean lots of people get up in the morning and spends their whole life working, because of some crazy angry people (don’t believe me? Go work in some big companies).

    I have. Huge companies are cancer. Nothing more.

    How do we re-train those people, how do we keep an army? Lots and lots of open ended questions here

    from the bottom up, as always. We vote as left as possible (those who still can). We demand UBI, free education, free public transport, fair taxes, free healthcare, etc. We build communities (currently underway) to subvert oppressive systems with mutual support groups, etc.

    Again, this is just my personal opinion so please disagree wildly if you wish. Just try to stay constructive.

  • I think the notion that certain traits are normalized or even praised is spot on.

    I just finished rings of power and the picture of sauron as the great deceiver who even deceives himself at times is harrowing. I have been very successful in business and met people just like him. The higher i got the more obvious.

    People who lie without any change in tone or rhythm, who are incredibly fast and enthusiastic explaining away your absolutely spot on criticisms and fears without as much as breaking a sweat.

    These people also have been incredibly unreliable, never due to their own fault of course. They just swish away any competition by any means necessary. And they are impulsive as hell. They just lose it if you dont comply.

    On one hand, I really sympathize with people who suffer from the condition i just described traits of. It is impossible for me to say how to act on this without massive discrimination against people with this condition although I see dire need to exclude these traits from any positions of power.

    Because if they run unrestrained and even praised, this is how you get genocidal maniacs as rulers of countries. Its these people at the root of every major downfall of our society.

    Massive fraud and banking collapse: these traits. Building software to supercharge rents to efficiently drain the public: these traits, it is everywhere.

  • I think thats valid. You don’t have to accept or look at everything.

    Do you mind sharing what your ideal society looks like? I think a lot of folks share common ideas but have vastly different labels for them.

    I’ll go ahead:

    I personally want to work. It can be fun. I want to do things I’m actually good at. I want to be able to afford food and housing. I want to know that i wont starve if I become sick or disabled. I want to be able to survive when I’m too old to work regularly. I want my family to be safe no matter what.

    I think those are pretty understandable goals. I want to live in a world where this applies to as many people as possible.

  • And for the people with internet, tv, radio or access to newspapers:

    the police can make you look at the camera to unlock your phone (for example to check if you’re aiding refugees from the ethnic lgbtq cleansing) but they cant (easily and in some countries legally) force you to type in a pin and password. I know the point is a bit moot for a pc as at that point the will just rip out your drive, assuming its not encrypted.

    Still, worth mentioning imo.

  • This. I would do this if I had to date again.

    My parents are maybe one notch down from OPs. Mother used to live with a violent alcoholic while raising me and my brother in a too small apartment, feeding us only sugarstuff (not the US but she’s from there) and generally abusing us verbally, physically and mentally, totally abandoning at least my school education and generally gaslighting everyone including teachers, friends and family that shit wasnt as bad. I think growing up in a trailer park would have at least help me grow up without as much self doubt due to all the “pretend normalcy”.

    I havent talked to any of them for years and I dont plan on changing that. In no circumstances would I have a date meet these fucks.

  • haui@lemmy.giftedmc.comtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlPre-Crime in the UK
    25 days ago

    Oh? And you’re the authority on that?

    The question you are trying to ask is “what special message do you see in that movie?”

    Of course my friend, let me tell you.

    Oblivion has this very nice plot twist where the main character was actually

    Tap for spoiler

    Helping the aliens gut the planet while thinking he was saving humanity. He’s one of the most planet sized helpful idiots I have ever seen. So yes, you don’t want to be him so think twice before you act on your assumption of reality but rather think for yourself.

    I do agree though that its not necessarily the same league as the others. But seeing people acting the way they do, they must be submitted to 24/7 reeducation on freedom, privacy, healthy relationships, democracy, etc.

  • haui@lemmy.giftedmc.comtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlPre-Crime in the UK
    25 days ago

    We saw these movies well before we were 16 or 18. Maybe today’s grown ups actually didn’t watch them and are braindead because of it?

    Mandatory watching exercise for everyone:

    • the matrix (only the first one, the rest is meh)
    • 12 monkeys
    • minority report
    • oblivion
    • idiocracy
    • don’t look up

    The themes are always the same. Peak dystopia, sometimes facilitated by helpful idiots.