Clean energy took their jobs…
And the workers…
And moved them to safer, cleaner, and generally better environments
Clean energy took their jobs…
And the workers…
And moved them to safer, cleaner, and generally better environments
A bunch of idiots switch to Modelo… also owned by AB
The company picks the insurance based on the best deal they can get…
Try goodrx, I’m able to get my medicine at a local pharmacy that my insurance won’t pay for at the same price as the chain they try to make me go to.
Hey man, he was in my face
I’m in your face
But local crazy guy with lots of guns is usually a great place to start.
It’s when the plea deals stop that I’ll be really excited.
In my opinion, those addicted to drugs so much as to need help commiting suicide are not in a clear enough mental state to make such a decision.
And a continental breakfast. Can’t say no to free juice.
Best space agency in the world should look good. Good for PR. Likely similar in cost to having someone else design it.
Seems most people disagree with this project. I, on the other hand, think excellent looking spacesuits is great for PR. It’s not like they are going to be much cheaper designed by Old Navy or GAP
Saint Peter like “damn dude, come on in, fucking legend, bar is on the right, tell Gabriel to pour one for ya on me”
A far cry from just 10 months ago when he blew up the railway picket line.
I’m surprised share holders of a lot of big companies aren’t demanding WFH. Office space is one of the larger chunks of overhead for a company (not just the space but utilities, supplies, maintenance/cleaning).
My guess is as leases are coming to an end that companies will definitely think twice before signing when WFH is an option.
My current job has us in the office a few days every 6-8 weeks and if it went to anymore than that the majority of the team I’m on would quit. It’s pretty easy to find work right now with unemployment below 4%
Checks and balances. How do they work?
Sucks to suck don’t it, Russia?
Let’s get Hamas to stand in a line and walk into a field about 100ft away from a line of IDF. They can take turns shooting one volley each direction until one side decides to charge.