That depends. How rich is the victim in your scenario?
My read into this is that Pine is so good it’s listed twice.
$4.99 for the drive plus $399.00 s&h
If they could profit from it they might
Something something big pharma…
without any of the responsibility
Or expense
You’re tipping the kiosk that provided the service. I guess.
Which relative is on the track and which in the trolley?
Doom scrolling will do that to you
Quite stressful if I’m being honest.
That does still apply to rich people, which is why I suspect so many of these idiots still think this way. Surely everyone has the means THEY have!
deleted by creator
For 64gb? Did you mean tb or is there something unique about these drives?
Puppy trained to retrieve pheasants goes after neighbor’s chickens. A puppy can’t tell the difference. Everything about that was infuriating.
If i understood the article correctly, real time means predicable and reliable, not necessarily fast. It’s common in medical devices, avionics, etc. So this is going to benefit embedded devices the most.
Hotter panels don’t last as long too.
I’m just picturing a cheese ad with happy people frolicking with robotic smiles with this information in a fast voice over like an American drug commercial