I am an anarcho-communist and a lover of all things free and open source. I also love cats of all kinds. You can also find me on Mastodon at @[email protected]
All it is going to take for AI to go away is when it makes a serious mistake that injures or kills a patient. The wrongful death and negligence lawsuits would be in the high millions or even more if it is a young child. In my opinion, AI is a very bad idea. I would sooner put my trust in a human being than AI. I can see AI being a tool to assist a doctor in making a diagnosis, but certainly not to replace doctors or reduce their numbers.
I am kind of - no, I am really - anti-capitalist. In some evil sort of way, if the hospital ‘boss’ decides to replace enough medical professionals with AI and robots and this causes a patient to die from inadequate care, then not a small part of me believes that the hospital boss should pay with their own life. Yeah, I have an anger management problem when it comes to the wealthy.
That’s truly all it is! There is nothing of value that can be learned on LinkedIn. It’s bootlickers dry humping the wealthy.
If I had a LinkedIn account, they could have at it. LinkedIn is capitalist pr0n.
You’re welcome and thank you as well.,
Not at all. I’m a late Gen Xer, almost a millennial. I thrive on learning new technology. I live for it.
Me too! They were kind of a band that was assembled by a recording label too. They’ve an interesting and atypical history.
I actually like Nickelback and Matchbox 20.
I like pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
Me too! Musashi is very similar.
Name calling is the language of the weak. I it does take courage and I’m glad you summoned the courage to do so.
I’ve just started Musashi, a Samurai-era historical fiction novel.
I hope you can find some healing and stabilization.
I’ve just started Rexulti, Klonopin, Chlonodine, and Ambien. Even though I’m only 5 days into it, I’m already starting to feel better.
I’ll go with 1/4 nuts, 1/4 seeds, 1/4 dried fruit, and 1/4 M n’ Ms. 😋
I have to agree with you here because it comes in waves for me as well. But often spread out between 4-6 months and then I’ll get it for 2-3 weeks straight. It’s very unpleasant and I’m sorry you’re experiencing this.
There’s rumoured to be an immigration window that will be opened if a Christo-Fascist gets elected. This should be in the Scandinavian countries.
I wish I were financially and mentally in a position to take advantage of this program because life in the United States is shit.
Yup, put a little old stink bomb under their door!
Have you looked at Krita and Blender?
Same here!