Rnote is currently the best for handwritten notes in my opinion, but its organization is minimal. I have never found a 1:1 replacement for OneNote, but luckily I no longer need it desperately like I did a decade ago.
Rnote is currently the best for handwritten notes in my opinion, but its organization is minimal. I have never found a 1:1 replacement for OneNote, but luckily I no longer need it desperately like I did a decade ago.
That doesn’t work for the workflow of sending articles to my Kindle with a bookmarklet.
I have a Kindle. It does not support EPUB. This does affect me. I used to use a bookmarklet to send articles to my Kindle, and this would make that unfeasible.
Some of us still use devices that only support .mobi
Sadly, it is. It didn’t get any updates for years at one point, too.
Someone has been defacing OpenStreetMap with stuff like this for months as well. It’s pretty sad.
I’ve owned both an X220T and a first generation Yoga. Each has different pen technology, but both worked out of the box on all apps on Linux.
Rnote is a good app for handwritten notes on Linux. Xournal++ used to be the one recommended, but the UI is not great. I still use it occasionally to mark-up PDFs, since I don’t think Rnote is quite there on that feature yet.
Nothing quite compares to OneNote for organizing notes, however, since it has built-in OCR and you can search your handwritten notes. Unfortunately, there is no Linux implementation of it that supports inking. I’ve seen people say that OneNote 2010 works through WINE, but I couldn’t get it running. I also tried an Android emulator to use the Android version, but it didn’t work with my high DPI display and crashed a lot.
My Note 4 died last year so I don’t have any android suggestions, sorry. On Linux I like Rnote, but it’s fairly early in development and I last time I wanted to annotate a PDF I had to do so in Xournal++
Consider dropping your built-in sync requirement, and use Syncthing instead. It opens up your options.
Yes, the generic names make it a nightmare to search for things relating to them.
People do check this stuff for vandalism.
This kind of thing is why I hate Google Maps. There is no way to ensure that edits are carried out based on your local knowledge, whereas with OpenStreetMap you can just go make the changes that need to be made. It’s been very satisfying for me to go contribute to OpenStreetMap when I see that paths are added or changed, so that the map reflects reality. Meanwhile Google Maps won’t even move an entire park that is in the wrong place.
I am well aware. But if precedent is set that protesting in the streets won’t be allowed going forward, it will have negative ramifications for leftist movements.
The APKs are right there on the Github. https://github.com/Helium314/openboard/releases
In Canada I’m very wary of the current trial against the leaders of the Freedom Convoy for this reason. Popular sentiment at the time of their protest was that they were bad for blocking the road, and what comes from this trial could set precedent that could be used to criminalize climate and social justice protests in the future.
A subreddit about TEMU.
Someone missing context doesn’t make them a bot. To be a part of this particular bot network, all 4 points will be present.
Emoticons ≠ emojis.
This is 100% a bot that’s part of the former TEMU network. Every comment is weirdly cheerful, nonsensical, and multiple end in two emojis. Pregenerated Reddit username, too.
I usually right click the window in the app bar and choose the “stay on top” option. This issue only happens in Wayland, also. in X11 it stays on top as expected.